Sleepydad’s Favorites

Tom Mason
DrFunkhole Dog drinks out of toilet=gross. Dog drinks out of toilet plugged with a mammoth poop=words fail. Bleaching everything. Boiling dog.
Chris Chamberlain
CeeElCee It's a state law in California that if you leave your USC diploma on the dashboard of your car you can park in handicapped spaces.
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan Been driving all day. Heading to bed, but what a laugh! I bitch about a bank, 49 comments:
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Sometimes in crowded pediatric waiting rooms, it feels like we are all on a ship that's being sent back to Germany.
Tom Mason
DrFunkhole Ensley hosted a debate in the car this morning. I trounced Piers on knowledge of the issues, but Piers won hearts and minds.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Hanging out in the future watching VH1's "Whatever Happened to Sarah Palin?" Special. It's delightful. Youfuckinbetcha.
Tom Mason
DrFunkhole To be this good the hummus at Mediterranean Cuisine must be made from bacon grease and OxyContin®.
Christopher Johnson
c_johnson heres the palin link everyone is looking for:
Tom Mason
DrFunkhole United Way campaign kick-off event this AM included a puppet show. My inner-child is gleeful. My outward cynical bastard is physically ill.
hotdogsladies poll - n. - Scientific means for quantifying the opinions of people who don't have mobile phones, Caller ID, or daytime commitments
hotdogsladies Chinese people love to stay fit and happy by exercising everything except their human rights. High fives for a VERY special visit, NBC!
hotdogsladies Every 6-pack of Löwenbräu should come with a fake mustache and a warped Boston cassette.
hotdogsladies In Web 2.0, it's not _really_ about a "conversation." It's about letting people hit 'Post' until they feel smart, avenged, or sleepy.
hotdogsladies Mr. Obama's site encourages passionate Americans to dialogue about Change with a diverse cross-section of interns and scripts.
Geoff Smith
geoffsmith well I believe we parents must sacrifice our selfishness for the good of our kids. My daughter is gonna be a grown up too some day.
hotdogsladies One crisis of new parenthood is the degree to which you treat your baby like a pet. Another is the paucity of stylish infant kennels.
Darth Vader
darthvader @magicalstephie - Oh sure, chicks are all down with the heavy breathing and the leather, but as soon as the mask comes off it's Adios Anakin
Tom Mason
DrFunkhole Turns out that my earlier question was moot. Doofuses/doofi don't know from declensions... and are nonplussed by the term "nonplussed."
Tom Mason
DrFunkhole When you are referring to or addressing multiple idiots, is the correct declension "doofuses" or "doofi?"


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