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@AlgonquinColleg Hahaha You know what I meant... Feels great to be done for another semester. Just one more to go!
Just got back from The Beer Store and I'm now ready to drink solid beer for the next three weeks straight.
Ah... I'm finally done all of my exams and my fifth semester of college! My stress levels can finally be relieved with the thought of beer.
Ugh... my iPhone had never crashed since the 2.2 update and today alone it has crashed six times. What is going on here?!
I sure hope the OS X 10.5.6 update comes out tomorrow. Gives me a reason to reboot my computer considering I haven't since the 10.5.5 update
@SuzeMuse Woopee! I'm going to quit studying! *Pulls a Homer Simpson and burns all of his materials and sets part of his apartment on fire*
@SuzeMuse Will I do well on my last exam of the semester?
I had the worst sleep last night and it really affected my performance on today's exam. I couldn't even write a proper sentence. Ugh
Crap! I fell asleep in the middle of studying for tomorrow's exam. This is really bogging me down. Just two more to go
@mindesign I actually went through the same thing when my three year old ThinkPad just kicked the bucket only a couple of weeks ago. So sad.
Ugh... I'm starting to get really annoyed at my ISP. I shouldn't have to reboot my modem on a daily basis. 50% uptime will not cut it.
The streets seem quiet without the 118 driving by ever so often. I wonder how long OC Transpo is going to be on strike for
I managed to learn an entire semester of CCNP in just five hours and yet they wanted us to come in for a two hour lecture every single week.
@AlgonquinColleg Oh, nice. I thought it was only school related. By the way, did you feel like writing the rest of my exams? I'm tired haha
@AlgonquinColleg I only live two minutes away from the school but it's commuting to around the city that's going to be an issue.
Having OC Transpo come to a halt tonight is really going to affect my plans for the next couple of weeks. I am not paying for a taxi!
I'm slowly starting to give up on this whole "studying for exams" thing when I've noticed it hasn't done anything for me yet. Waste of time.
@plabonte I've noticed that too this morning when I received a new e-mail and the time stamp was from 6 hours when it just came in. Weird
Up bright and early (at least for me anyways) and pounding back pots of coffee and going to head out soon for my second final exam. Woopee!
For those curious about the OC Transpo situation in Ottawa in regards to the strike, follow @octranspo or visit


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