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@uxbookclub is there a template for the UX Book Club logo so I can lazily add city name? I was photoshopping but can't tell which font it is
@ldepaula And that... is exactly why I am the way I am. :)
Having a cheesesteak for dinner for the third time this week. Been craving and indulging too much.
@whitneyhess ha, thanks for the #ux nomination, that was sweet :)
@docbaty Sign up for the IA Institute. We'll start including it with your welcome package ;)
@docbaty What do you mean? You didn't get yours?
@cathro hmmm, I always tell people "there is no such a thing as an IA emergency" architects can't fix building problems. They can advise tho
Just presented a task-based segmentation to a hardcore demo/psychographic person and totally rocked their world. #UXscores!
#futurepractice2 If you liked the question about what can go horribly wrong with Mental Models, check this out
#futurepractice2 How MM can go horribly wrong: forcing people in the org to slow their rhythm to sync with MM creation process.
"Strategy = An approach you use to succeed over the long term" #futurepractice2 Wish people remembered this more.
Ha, Indi is showing a slide of myself and @lilitroy hunched over a table with post-its, clustering away. #futurepractice2
@threefour thanks for trying to improve sound. It's our set-up's fault, not the broadcast. We'll bring everyone back to watch the recording
Very disappointed I had to cancell the mental model webinar session with our department because we can"t access properly.
@rosenfeldmedia we are missing everything folks, vole is too low on conf call
@threefour help, we can't hear anything on the conf call
@danachis What is this radio you speak of?
Michael Pollan as Secretary of Agriculture. I love this idea for so many reasons


Biz Stone Evan Williams Livia veen Chris Baum davegray danah boyd Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Gene David Crow Erika Hall Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer lane rene de paula jr Brad Lauster Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Victor Lombardi Ces Kevin Cheng Derek Featherstone Sandy erin beep Mike Kuniavsky leisa Karen McGrane Nick Finck Jeffrey Zeldman Liz Danzico Jack Cheng Kimberly Blessing Stephen Anderson
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