Lucretia M. Pruitt’s Favorites

Dennis Howlett
dahowlett Problem with WP2.7 solved. If you've got Lighter Drop Down Menus as a plugin, delete from server. Note to WP: test more thoroughly
Lucretia M. Pruitt
GeekMommy I won't be posting ANY more @shortyawards nominations in order to keep it from overtaking my twitterstream. I'm sorry. Thanks for asking.
Toby Bloomberg
TobyDiva @ktoddstorch thanks for your kind words about the ama webinar. hey! if you can't have a little fun with social media ..why bother!
bobangus @GeekMommy Thanks for mentioning I just signed up. No time setup right now though.
Leo Laporte
leolaporte Blogworld and New Media Expo merge! I know where I'll be this October.
Bill Austin
wbaustin #recipes #cooking : Garlic-Roasted Lamb: Garlic-Roasted Lamb The How-To Book of Healthy Cooki..
CaptainCowPie 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer @zanade I no longer believe in following more people than follow you. I think that was a mistake. Being choosy is much more important.
TamiDePalma @GeekMommy Isn't that about as long ago as Friends? And twice as long ago as my Brad Pitt crush crush. Boo!
Amy Miyamoto
LotusAmy I'm trying this out now...RT@guykawasaki Did u know that if u add &fmt=18 to a Youtube link, u go straight to the higher resolution version?
Liz Strauss
Bi11iard #guildwars Trying to test out this group I am working on for Guild Wars players - not sure of how the mechanics work yet.
Leslie Carothers
tkpleslie @GeekMommy didn't know you were here..missed you @geekmommy,but will see you permitting..
Brian Carter
briancarter I have to mention Killing Joke, with "Eighties" from which Nirvana pilfered a riff:
Lucretia M. Pruitt
GeekMommy RT @swoodruff - New Social Media Museum in Austin has Tweeple all A-Twitter! Go @conniereece! (I'm so at the SoMeMe! ~GM)
Lucretia M. Pruitt
GeekMommy Realization: @LizStrauss is a catalyst - she takes sparks from her own mind and uses them to light creative fires in others. Love that!
Brian Stephens
BrianStephens "Hey, only one person gets to play God... Morgan Freeman."
Lucretia M. Pruitt
GeekMommy 'Reminds me of a child who once wrote, “Ladybugs are good in sex.” I was taken aback. Took me a few mins to realize they are good insects'...
clayco someone just sent me email asking for a specific Google office address. Now where might one look for a Google office address?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Philip Kaplan Chris Sacca Naina Redhu Wayne Sutton Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Barrett Lyon Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Dion Hinchcliffe Martin Hall Scott Beale Manuel Viloria WDavidStephenson Eric Christensen (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Chris Prakoso Randy Dave Morin Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Elmo james Elliott Ng Michael McFadden Kevin Susan Scrupski mdy brady forrest
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