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@VGiacoppo I think that album came out when I was in 7th grade...LOVED IT! I had the tape and played it 'til it literally almost WORE out!
would you like to reach over 35,000 amateur musicians and educators and be seen online by-way of over 10,000+ hits/month? advertise w/ us!
Hey #SYRACUSE if you're interested in checking out our magazine, direct msg me & I'll send you a FREE Copy just for being our neighbors!
@basia haha nice's not music-related though
@greenlemur I'm not sure, heard the trivia question on the way to work, but didn't catch the answer. thinking it's a vacumm...thoughts?
staff writer Adam Dolge reviews a fender amp http://www.makingmusicmag.c...
This has wheels and moves an average of 8 miles a year. What is it??
we're looking for musicians interested in collaborating w/ us online. direct message us if interested!!
Our editorial staff is looking for musicians that use online collaboration sites to share music. Let us know! (ex: )
@jasonhamrick Thanks! Just used some stats mentioned in your recommended article in our meeting!
making music is going to press soon
'bout to have a meeting on Social Media & the greatness of Twitter. Any thing special I should mention?? offer me comments/suggestions, tips
@skleiner tell me about it, that whole list has us drooling. we're trying to get a couple things in for office "demo" purposes aka JAMS!
@emonome hey there- yes scott got in touch and he's all set up. thanks for EVERYTHING YOU DO! :-)
@greenlemur oh nice! I hope you enjoy it. of course all feedback is welcome :-D
check us out...just added to blogcatalog what a really useful web resource!
@mattrichey i've always thought that too. Silent night for example
still need gift ideas? we made our top music-related gift picks of the season!
HEY new Twitter followers! Check out It's COLD here in #CNY giving you a great reason to stay inside & get creative!


Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Sarah Milstein Phil Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Alfonso Surroca Erika Hall Hardik Shah Don The Idea Guy Russ Thornton Caterina bobcat rock i heart quotes Corey Pudhorodsky Aldon Hynes Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Jim Long Ryan McKillop stanley Karen O'Brien Howard Greenstein Seth Pereira da Silva JennChantal Nichelle Brett Nordquist mike kivowitz Jeremiah Topher Marcus Irven Paul Colligan Hazel
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