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Where was this when I was car shopping?!
@jasonsantamaria I'm always cautious about free services for that reason, with no revenue it's likely to just drop off the planet.
If you hand in the extra credit two weeks late, it's on the wrong topic, and the content is inaccurate you're not getting extra credit.
Wow someone spammed my blog today advertising $200 websites. I bet they're *awesome*
Office gift exchanges: the equivalent of everyone taking a $20 bill and lighting it on fire.
@meyerweb Advanced selectors make me wonder how people feel about behavioral elements in CSS.
Just realized my toolbar in IE7 (at the office) hasn't saved ANYTHING I've tagged with it. Awesome.
@lawboop but if it comes from the cemetary you're getting fertilizer for free right? ;)
National Geographic must never have owned dogs before, otherwise this would not be news:
Can anyone recommend a good article/site for catching up on the new features in Fireworks CS4?
@loriboos had no idea you had such a full house!
About to dive headfirst into the abyss that is Adobe Installer...if I'm not back in two hours give my record collection to Donnie.
@matto I'll get right on that. While we're at it if a mere million people would PayPal me $1 each I'd be a millionaire. Pony up people!
Former employer possibly resurrecting a project of mine which didn't get enough support, part of why I left. (I. Told. You. So.)
I cut my poor dog's ear while giving her a haircut today :( Never doing it myself again!
@beep I love my Chrome bag, but I do wish they were a little more mobile worker-centric. A spot for pens and 1 zipper pocket don't cut it.
Dvd still ripping, dog just barfed in my office, and last minute request from the manager all as I'm trying to run out the door for class.
@dmkash @boosmuse @bcullen There is a handy dashboard widget for character entities.
Any Cleveland geeks up for lunch downtown or on the East side tomorrow?
Why start birth date drop down lists with the year 1901? What is the likelihood that a 107 year old is enrolling in electronic bill payment?


Dan Cederholm Keith Beep. Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Brad Dielman Mike Jolley Nate Klaiber Matthew Oliphant Jeff Croft Greg Storey Cameron Moll J Wynia Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Nathan Smith Chris Tingom D Chris Miller Sally Carson Jen Myers Jenifer Hanen Josh Anastasia Bryan Veloso Chris Caputo microformats Matt Brett Eric A. Meyer Zach Inglis Tiffany Wardle The Real Joe Lea Alcantara Dave Seah Leeanne Lowe Dan Miller Sub Pop Records
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