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OH: (won't name names) "Call me the browser whisperer."
Was just invited to not one, but TWO meetings to prepare for a THIRD, final meeting. I'm speechless.
Into hour two of back-to-back meetings. Joy.
@cameronmoll Does the web site find items that look like those in photos you take with the iPhone's camera?
@caseyreid Wow. That seems much more straightforward.
@caseyreid Freeform combined with some exp:query goodness to iterate through the saved list?
@jcroft Wait until tomorrow. In my experience, post-workout soreness is worst on day 2.
Launched a new, large corporate ExpressionEngine-driven site yesterday:
@robpipe the new site works great on the Storm's browser.
@robpipe Thanks, that's the old site. Here's the new one:
DNS Zone Transfer check: Do you see a pink/grey site or white/blue/green one?
Anyone else having issues connecting to BaseCamp?
Just cleaned my Mighty Mouse's scroll ball with alcohol like every other time... and now it doesn't work at all!
Supposed to be launching a new site today. Twiddling thumbs waiting for DNS change to occur before all the other required changes.
@masuga isn't it displayed in the browser status bar when you mouse over the edit link?
Just updated my BlackBerry Storm OS to Huge improvement!
Looking for a blue beanie. Or at least one I can photoshop to be blue.
@michaeljuiliano It took about 10 minutes on a MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Core2Duo with 3Gb RAM.
Used Handbrake 0.9.3 to convert DVDs for viewing on my BlackBerry Storm. Pure beauty.
@robpipe Yep! All is well with the Storm... I love it! The screen is even better after you remove the shipping screen protector. ;-)


Dunstan veen Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian luxuryluke Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Cameron Adams Jeff Croft Greg Storey Cameron Moll Malarkey Nick Finck Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman microformats Eric A. Meyer Richard Felix amber mac Six Apart Chris Coyier orangatame Firefox Michael Boyink Tony Hillerson Jamis Buck Ryan Masuga EllisLab Oli Studholme toodledo kevin moore