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@AlexMorse Holy crap, thanks for the heads-up. Time to change some links.
Looking at PC parts.
@johntmichel I just used the ones Simon Peyton-Jones used for his solver. :P
Fighting a headache.
Proud that my Haskell Sudoku solver solved both extra credit puzzles from my Math class.
@camh Type "uptime" in Terminal.
Can we please retire "There are ads on the internet?"
Music recommendation: Tom Vek - We Have Sound.
Unchecked "show errors in tweet list", but I think I remember that resorting to a popup notification. We'll see.
With a service as unstable as Twitter, Twitterrific putting those notifications in the message queue is more annoying than helpful.
@constantx Hellz yes. Given it's the only way of enqueuing things, I love it.
I love you, Party Shuffle.
Bill O'Reilly on The Daily Show was great.
Working on an issue tracker module for Chyrp's new site. (Yes, it's open-source, no, that's not the new site design.)
I've got two kittens sleeping on my lap.


Josh Bryant Hickensian Dan Sauve John Gruber David Chartier jark Bryan Veloso Paul Stamatiou nostrich Zack Schiller Andre Deminiac Twitterrific Steven Frank John Resig Ollie Relph Jon Kantro Nils Geylen rick Lloyd Hannesson ShawnBlanc Scrivs Jason Lucas Murray Ian Hickson why the lucky stiff Alex Morse Bruce Phillips Cameron Kenley Hunt Oli Warner Andrew Cornett garonshanks Shaun Inman Chauncey McAskill Alex Coles