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It's hard to distinguish this fraudulent KvK invoice from the actual scam that is the KvK.
Stuff in Delft done. Now trying to make it back to Delft on time (always a challenge). Next time a tour of Utrecht probably.
Now sitting at VK and met with @lifesized and @tonzylstra now Michel of the P2PFoundation. Too many interesting conversations today.
Got somebody from Utrecht who wants to be listed no! And got sick of the e-mails so I'm trying out MailTemplate.
Just had a coffee with Mr. Lex to talk about design, architecture and co-creation. Now to the Vollskrant building.
Answer: because our government squandered the transport card contract to companies all too eager to accept money but less so on delivering.
Free newspapers may be sad but at least they keep working in tunnels.
"Pas ongeschikt", missed my train. Why do I have to stand in line for a fucking ticket machine in rush hour anyway? (answer to follow)
@ecphaff Yeah, don't hesitate to drop by if you're around.
Found that I still have a third of an A5 dummy left to jot notes in. And with that, off to bed.
@ecphaff It's a couple blocks up at the Papenstraat.
@iskandr Onderdelen herkennen is volgens mij geen eis en mash==stamp maar kies de kromme letterlijke vertaling die jou het beste aanstaat.
@iskandr Komt hutspot niet dichter in de buurt?
@ecphaff Which coach and which little square? I have no clue.
@jaapstronks Dat is poep. Kan dat niet commandline?
@jaapstronks Volgens @photomatt kun je een 1.2 versie naar 2.7 upgraden zonder problemen, dus dat zou geen probleem moeten zijn.
Breaking the berimbau: These last couple of months we’ve been having regular music lessons. It’s a l..
@jaapstronks En anders gewoon 2.7 beta eroverheen gooien, dan weet je temminste dat het niet ligt aan je php bestanden.
@jaapstronks .htaccess die er allemaal nasty mod_rewrite etc. overheen gooit? (Dat zou evt. ook nog in apache.conf kunnen gebeuren.)
@kilianvalkhof More recently I've begun to like: “Youth is wasted on the young.”, maybe that says something about my age.


Evan Williams danah boyd Colin Schlüter !ianus keller Mr Messina Thomas Vander Wal Cristiano Betta Oliver Verver brady forrest Frank Jyri Engeström termie Jeremy Keith Spif Daniel baturalp Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Webb Ben Cerveny photomatt Faruk Ates Michel Vuijlsteke beep Tom John Gruber leisa Anil Dash Alexander Zeh Ton Zijlstra James Governor Plazes microformats Reinier Ladan Chris Saad Kars Alfrink
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