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@shortyawards I nominate @photojojo for a Shorty Award in #photography because they fill my Twitter feed w/ photo love.
@lilfootsmommy re: Photojojo Time Capsule giving you a hard time: dm me and I'll get it straightened out for you!
@zacharyforrest Chances are very good! Can you dm me your email? I'd love to ping you for some advice.
@james_hafner All custom! (w/ some help here and there from mootools or yui)
@james_hafner @zacharyforrest: U'r right, Photojojo source code was exposing too much. I've cleaned it up just for you!
@sativabella dm me your email and I can figure out what's making Photojojo Store cart wonky in Chrome!
Working in the middle of the night is so great because your inbox sleeps.
There's a tunnel b/n SF & NY that transfers burritos in 1-2 hours?!?!
@chunymutt I know! & isn't donner such a jerk!?
who would have though getting a front plate on your car could cost $125?
Priorities: Stealing the batteries from the thermostat (which is required to have heat on) to put them in mouse.
Landed in the bay area, now taking stinky BART + taxi home.
Just tucked a sobbing 10yr old into bed... Typical night before I fly out : (
Escalating cold last few days - something about being home that tells my body it's okay to break down.
Anyone use Linux? dm me pls : )
putting together the basketball hoop my sister just got for her birthday!
@lamecasper, yes i am in town, and no not really : ))
these 10yr old are kicking my butt!
at my 10yr old sisters bowling birthday party!
props to the moms who wrangle babys on 5hr flights


Maggie Mason danah boyd Derek Powazek naveen Amit superamit Gupta Janina Kent Michael Ossareh Mike Dory Joshua Green Allen Technorati Kevin Rose mihow Jamie Wilkinson corrine Twitter kenyatta cheese Santa Claus Adam Simon Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke Andrew Baron Joseph fred benenson Jake Marsh Photojojo Yonatan Kelib Dooce Gil Megidish Will G Jon Armstrong Josh Coyle brian Clay Shirky Adam Glickman Scott Varland