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But I just finished reading a Minetter Walters novel,, good sturf
Head cold moving rapidly, entering the gonna be up coughing all night phase.... I need a brandy
Riding a Melbourne tram be a different experience to a Sydney bus: the former is like a room, people actually chat with each other!
only gonna get a d for Trecentro art, dammit. Rod liked my essay on Kubrik's the Shining tho.
Off to the uni to read Damisch on perspective
Tlhe cold seems to be the 24 hour variety, hope so anyhow
Back from Melbourne and I'm either getting a cold or got bad hayfever
my Xbox aint working :(
@mwsmedia I have a firend who's almost too scared to buy an iMac cause of all the negative comments people put on blogs.... silly.
Is tired cause stayed up till 3.30 watching a fab Korean movie bout the Neutral Zone. and then woke at 7..
I should listen to a Philosophers' Zone podcast. Thank you iTunes, thank you Aunty.
Just cut my hair: I've been leaving it a bit longer at the front and putting in some product. Strangers treat me a bit differently!
I saw a woman on the street with an iPhone. I stopped to kiss her feet. She acquiesced.
Why is there no iPhone in Australia???
damn xbox aint working, what else are holidays for????
The joys of subway.. in a mall of course
Heading off to uni for a coffee with a friend: gonna convincer to study under Linnell
@Hicksey Bach, Brahms, Beethoven and Berg!
dock doctor widget is cool
Melbourne cup day, the kids in the pub are noisy


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