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Got my annual friends & family british airways discount link, DM me if you want it, fares good from Dec - May 25 exclusing Xmas.
what happens when short people do a clothing swap with tall people? thx @lbm, your b&w top is my dress today.
OH: Dude means "I'm high as shit" in the aboriginal languages
my sick child has created and sent 2 evites today. she will use any technology that lets her be social. wonder where she got that from?
working from home with a sick kid means i get to sit in my bed. whee! also, continuing to plan december socializing.
@devlieger it works out that @chiaroscuro can actually help! and @rmcdougall, i'm taking your advice!
i need a tall person to come help me change the lightbulbs in my living room. @chiaroscuro, you're my only hope!
Dining at Clement St B&G is like going out with your grandparents. Strong drinks & bounteous food.
Choosing q-time with friends over shopping today.
A somber Thanksgiving, but with much to be grateful for - including you! Everyone have a lovely Thanksgiving.
Ignoring the real world & watching Bolt at El Capitan w/kids after a chill day of turkey day prep w/@slackmistress @betheboy @daisyjdog
@slackmistress it's entirely possible that vivi lied when she made it, in which case, we will be awake all night.
what kind of parent am i? my kids are drinking coffee (decaf) while we work on the internets in a hotel room #prepforcorporatelife
enjoying the daily tracks from my old pal @qburns (aka q-burns abstract message) -- today's has a cocteau twins sample. nice for monday.
Wish I could get away from the feeling that Joe Bob Briggs is out there penning my life.
so excited to have found this danny kaye song online, now for y'all to sing along:
wondering if i gently & firmly shut a door, can i quietly jimmy a window open?
Happy to finally get to the Paramount. With lovely people & the Jr mermaids. Relaxing now.
protracted conversation w/kids yields this gem: mom, it's amazing we can so much about bad words without using them.


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