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Viral art? More like viral fart! - These are visual representations of computer virus...
Watch out for werewolves tonight! -
@Braziel There is nothing wrong with a good power-ballad, and she has a few (I really hope its individual songs and not albums you have!)
Google tells us what we search for -
@depping Google is a crewl mistress.
101st update - COUNT IT!
@goodonpaper I was, Death by Decibels, but I wasn't that into it so passed it to a mate. This link may be of use -
@anildash Woah! Hold on there champ, you are wrong!
@goodonpaper I *knew* I knew you! I just started there when you left I think. Congrats on the coworking office.
@goodonpaper - you used to work at Queens radio didn't you?
Google Calendar - Is there anything you can't do?
RT : @badbanana Dear Greeks: When you smash plates and glasses while happy, you really need to bring something special to your riots.
Morning all! Today I am going to conquer the virtual machine and STFP servers - I will literally become their master.
Right, actually going to bed now - byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
@sixapart No worries, same!
@hellojp GET IT - it is the right thing to do.
RT @Maggie "The planning stage is my very favorite stage. It's so pleasantly distant from the failing stage"
Just a quick link for those who appreciate a bit of cockney -
Anyone know of any good Tattoo blogs? Please share! - Also, night all!
Whilst the immediate heat is welcomed honestly translink, you can turn it down!


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