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Just snuck a taste of turkey.
Shrimp salsa!!
Attempting to capture my dog's antisocial behavior on video so I can shame her later.
I smell onions in butter!
Eating beans in Baytown, TX
ZOMG someone is actually picking up our dilapidated semi-b0rked hot tub. Nobody tell them about the cat that died inside!
Our POD just got picked up. I think this means we officially have completed our move back to Austin.
I swear to god, I will quit Twitter if another one of my friends joins Magpie.
Drafthouse serving sangria in blood bags for vampire movies! We are seeing Let the right one in.
Getting ready to seal a bunch of boards so we can build a raised planter box so we can go TOTALLY OFF GRID FOR THE APOCALYPSE!
Writing unit tests, and having way too much fun doing it.
Conducting an impromptu Sigourney Weaver film festival thanks to Netflix Watch Instantly.
Talking to the calamari again.
Time for my weekly shower!
Just received word that my Muppet has arrived! Super duper excited!
Must... stop... hacking!
Why oh why are they still building new houses in my neighborhood?
Doctor is late.
Feeling under the weather, heading to the doctor soon to have him probe my (possibly leaking) organs.


veen tedr dakota smith the daniel gac lane Julia Sifers evany Amit superamit Gupta fake mat honan dana j. robinson Andre Torrez Jesse! Tom Conrad SMITH Magazine Nicole Lee Andy Baio giu Schlomo Rabinowitz urban_mermaid Greg Veen Joshua Green Allen Brandie Richard Felix katie spence hotdogsladies jjg Matt Haughey SXSW Michael Pusateri Zoetica Ebb Jeff Robbins Jim Salinger Scott bryan boyer Courtney Skott