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Holy crap, Rutgers is going to a bowl game- against NC State, but still...
@mpdonadio - hope your daughter feels better
@richrecruiter - I think the gaming rooms are closed at the Tropiciana, which is why rooms are so cheap there. The place is nice though.
lalalalalala I am not watching the Eagles vs. Giants game as I don't need the additional heartbreak.
@dan_bencsik - My daughter is 10... going on 16 at times... ;-)
My daughter insisted on pancakes this morning. So, she is cooking them. There is a benefit to making your kids self sufficient.
@riversaredamp - You are not giving me much confidence here with USAir as I'll be flying them to the Bahamas in a few weeks.
Um, the apartment next door is playing music really loud. This is much less exciting than it sounds.
@charliePATpk - my own feeling is to let the kids on, but supervise/friend them. I'd rather know what the kids are doing rather than not.
@charliePATpk - poor guy, at least he asked you about it.
@charliePATpk - people are still using tagged? Honestly fb has better privacy controls, etc.
@ronvitale - I'd like one too please! ;-)
Just ordered pizza
@knownhuman - By that same measure, Army hasn't won since I was a Cadet's girlfriend
*cough* *cough* *cough* Can I put this on my list for santa?
For the Holidays, a WSJ article on MAP pricing. the stories I havel from my time in retail about this ripoff.
Faint Praise. For as much as I dislike the design of, is much worse...much much worse.
The candy cane headband and blinky lights necklace were a hit apparently. I was deemed "an awesome Mom"
Traffic in West Chester a cluster[redacted] due to the Xmas parade. I have to go out again to pick up my dear daughter from a party. Urgh.
read a marketing sherpa email deliverability report which had little on btob delivery challenges and only tested free ISPs. Disappointing.


Seth W. Geoff DiMasi wyclif Alex Hillman Minger Frank Gilroy drew olanoff Kristin Pishdadi frank Winston giovanni Scott McNulty Condoleezza Rice Trish Adam Bullied John Edwards Marc Nathan Charlie Misicka Christopher Fake Henry Rollins Michael Waugaman Iain Robertson jordangarn Julie Meyer Jason J. Thomas Kayla Dave Troy Owen Winkler Corey Clayton Frank Gruber Charlie on PA Tpk Janet Clarey Slashdot Edward Sullivan John Porcaro Eric Lewis
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