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Pound sinling against the dollar and euro, worried we might have euro parity soon, then there will be no excuse for adopting the currency :(
People on the tube can be bloody rude.
Busy day ahead, starting with an early morning visit to the bank then a day of writing and editing Bookazine copy.
Sweating over a hot flatplan for the bookazine I am working on.
What a day - don't need another one like that in a hurry. Time to hit the road soon I think before I collapse.
@justinhayward Many thanks for the fab bottle - it is now safe and sound on my desk and will be opened shortly - for medicinal purposes :)
Today is going to be a challenge for the whole team. Half of us are ill, the other half are recovering from being ill last week.
I can definitely recommend tonight's episode of Watchdog (now available on iPlayer). Concerning piece about Marketplace scams.
Have moved the landline from BT to Sky. Tis cheaper and it means I have one less company to have to deal with and one less physical bill.
@spwalker A good point, but surely the continued success is more to do with easyJet's low prices than the quality of its reputation?
On the lookout for cool BlackBerry software apps, anyone got any favourites they want to recommend? Already have everything Google does.
Watching Airline, wondering if easyJet ever realised just how bad this show made them look? Given multiple series were made, I guess not?
@justinhayward That is very kind indeed. I will ensure I rescue it in the morning.
At home, recovering from part one of a root canal :(
Settling in for a Chuck marathon.
Toothache is still bugging me (will be off to the dentist on Monday morning), so passing the time with email and a doco on an Egyptian Mummy
Thanks to the new matress, my bed is now so tall a step ladder might be required.
There's nothing more unpleasant than a trip to the council tip on a freezing cold day.
Tying to find a car insurance quote that isn't stupid money. Not helped that my current insurer won't issue a renewal quote until Monday.
@webgnu Really, what's wrong with TwitterBerry?


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