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@JoeyColeman hah, I think they all come from the same can with different labels... :)
@tsand oh I know, why do you think I've put on about 10lbs. since last trip? No Sodexho, Aramark, Chartwells, Bon Appetit.
@tsand yet another reason I will never work at UWGB, only work at places that use Aramark
everyone email @bradjward at the gmail, he's trying to go to bed,
@tsand forget the friggin' neckbeard, get #virtualbarber III uploaded, my kids are waiting!!!!
@bradjward that was me fred and I moonlight for Google
12 minutes for a Venti Pike, @starbucks you really need a drip coffee line only
I can handle the cold, but the grey skies and rain, no thanks..:(
@klaudicina can I send you a file and get them printed this afternoon and fedexed to me by tomorrow? Serioous
@ArizonaBrian kinda weird, didn't even know you were following because I never got the email. Thanks for following
Is it me or are DM notification emails and new follower email timestamps way out of whack?
speaking of e-cards looks like Eckerd's is out for adv. @kylejames special voiceover: listen for it
@bradjward 79% have been @'s and @tsand and @bradjward I sense a troubling pattern.
@tsand kids can't wait for #virtualbarber episode three to come out, it's one thing to WASTE my time, but the kids, come on
Up and at 'em early for a great Thursday, lots of stuff going on..
@bradjward hopefully all that Brain Tuner app got you thru it OK
@tsand headed to grocery store for 24pk of Ramen, should be good til Mom gets home
Mom's away, kids are eating super healthy
@JamieHS I have been, Mr. Mom all day, two doctor's appts., etc... I am NEVER going to complain to my wife about her job being easy :)


Brian Niles Aaron Schaap Chris Brogan Jesse Rodgers Matt Herzberger Patrick Berry Starbucks Coffee Megg Dave Lowe smoothdude Loic Le Meur eric hodgson Jonathan Coffman Naz Hamid Kabren Levinson Chas Grundy AJ Vaynerchuk Patrick Born Billy Adams Jason Schwanz Tim Siedell kathleen vandervelde Barack Obama Tim Windsor Mark Greenfield Todd Sanders Paul Hart Dylan Wilbanks Richard Mondello darryl ohrt Paula Ganyard Pete Lounsbury Jay Collier Eric Stoller Mike Richwalsky Live from the van
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