shel israel’s Favorites

Carlos Abler
Carlos_Abler @shelisrael Re: Greece. Always a good time when "anarchists" are back in the news; instead of serving tofu in vegetarian restaurants.
Will Boyd
wbboyd It really pisses me off when people think they can do marketing on twitter like they do everywhere else.
Tom O'Brien
tomob @shelisrael then why do we have CAFE standards?
davidavdavid @shelisrael are you the real shelisrael or the faux one running around twitter?
sioksiok @shelisrael you are most welcome. :) i trust that you have a blast at #cnbloggercon. For my sake, have a double dose of fun!
slgavin I am about to enter SharePoint.....if I'm not out in an hour please send someone to find me
kencamp @shelisrael Isn't Microsoft getting it right akin to 1000 monkeys typing Shakespeare? Sooner or later it's gotta happen doesn't it?
DJDiva5 @kenburbary I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people? #osf
shel israel
shelisrael @winserzhao You are absolutely right about @elliotng. He's a wise teacher on China & generous with what he knows.
Albert Maruggi
AlbertMaruggi @shelisrael are you on your way to the Palin rally?
Adele McAlear
AdeleMcAlear @shelisrael I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather that we've had this week. I ordered the changing leaves just for your visit ;)
Jim MacMillan
alexis norton
alexiskn there's only one question I want Sarah Palin to answer at Thursday's debate: Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Lorita Vannah
lorita Okay funniest idea ever: RT @dickc I think that should just show the Fail Whale from now through the next inauguration
Susan Reynolds
susanreynolds @shelisrael I love the idea of you hearing Isla gurgle via phone. You can look at @acarvin's photos & imagine, tho :)
Tinu Abayomi-Paul
Tinu This house makes me want to curl into the fetal position anytime I leave the designated safe areas. #killbelovedforleavingmeindeathtrapalone
Steve Morris
stevemo If time travel was possible it would by definition always have been possible
garykoelling @hci this week talked to 3 companies about how to do internal socnet. they're all terrified. :(


Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Jerry Michalski Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Mack D. Male om Gavin Dave McClure Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Dion Hinchcliffe todd thille Derek Gathright Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Jim Young Dave Winer Carlos Granier Elliott Ng Susan Scrupski Joanne Wan Caterina Jennifer Woodard M David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel John Roberts Prashant Agarwal Corey Pudhorodsky
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