For Immediate Release:
December 4, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest - 202-225-3111/774-487-2534

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Chairman Bill Delahunt and Ranking Member Mike Pence of the Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007 announced that the panel has hired consultants to aid with the committee’s duties. The Democratic staff members are Tom Spulak and George Crawford of King and Spalding LLP. The Republican staff will be Mark Paoletta and Andrew Snowdon of Dickstein Shapiro LLP.

“These individuals bring a significant amount of experience to this committee,” said Delahunt. “Their longtime service to the House of Representatives, impressive institutional knowledge and demonstrated commitment to the integrity of this body will serve us well.” 

“The addition of counsel by both parties brings a strong professional background in investigative work to the Select Committee,” said Pence.  “These individuals will help our members as we investigate the events of August 2 in a professional and dignified manner.

The consultants were hired based on a joint agreement of the membership of the select committee to hire staff with institutional and investigative knowledge and expertise of the House of Representatives. The hiring became effective on November 21, 2007.  The Committee was organized in September and filed an interim report by the end of the month.   

