For Immediate Release:
March 10, 2008
Further Information:
Mark Forest - 202-225-3111/774-487-2534

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bill Delahunt’s Foreign Affairs Subcommittee will hold a joint hearing tomorrow with the Middle East Subcommittee to examine the Administration’s efforts to address the Iraqi Refugee crisis. The panel will specifically focus on humanitarian aid and resettlement efforts.

This hearing follows a briefing held by Delahunt a few weeks ago which featured testimony from United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees Craig Johnstone. In his testimony, Johnstone discussed the severe financial constraints placed on his organization. He admitted that even if the UNHCR appeal request for $261 million for this year were fully funded, it would not cover half the costs of helping the most desperate of the estimated 4 to 5 million refugees.  He argued that the United States and the UN can do more to address this crisis.

WHO:             Joint hearing of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight, and Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.

DATE:            Tuesday, March 11, 2008

TIME:             2:00 PM

WHERE:        Room 210 Cannon House Office Building

SUBJECT:      Neglected Responsibilities- The US Response to the Iraqi Refugee Crisis


The Honorable James B. Foley
Senior Coordinator, Iraqi Refugee Issues
U.S. Department of State

The Honorable Lawrence Butler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
U.S. Department of State

Ms. Lori Scialabba
Special Adviser to the Secretary of Homeland Security for Iraqi Refugees
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Greg Gottlieb
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance
U.S. Agency for International Development

Mr. Stephen A. “Tony” Edson
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services
Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Department of State

