Congressman Bill Delahunt, 10th District of Massachussetts: Breaking News District outline image Breaking News
For Immediate Release:
March 16, 2006
Further Information:
Steve Broderick (202) 225-3111
Federal Funds Assist Local First Responders Dealing With Tight Budgets

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Bill Delahunt today announced that the town of Weymouth has been awarded $43,318 in Homeland Security Fire Grant funds.

The Weymouth Fire Department will use its $43,318 to purchase a Fire Safety Trailer for use in its Student Awareness of Fire Education (SAFE) Program and other community events. The SAFE Program is designed to educate primary and secondary school students about fire safety and prevention.

"Today's firefighters have to be trained and prepared to respond to emergencies that run the gamut from a terror attack and chemical spills to wildfires and automobile accidents," Congressman Delahunt said. "Giving them access to the most modern equipment and advanced training is the very least that we can do as a government."
The grants are part of the continuing mission of the Department of Homeland Security, which includes the Office of Domestic Preparedness and the US Fire Administration. The funds come through the Office of Grants and Training's highly competitive National Assistance to Firefighters Grant program, which awards one-year grants to upgrade the first-response capability of local fire departments across the country.

Rep. Delahunt, a long time supporter of federal funding to first responders, has worked closely with local and regional public safety officials in advocating for the funds necessary to ensure that the citizens of Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod have the most effective emergency response possible.

The Congressman's office has been a strong advocate of local fire departments who have applied over the years. Last year, more than a dozen Southeastern Massachusetts towns were awarded a combined $1.6 million in fire grants from DHS.

