Congressman Bill Delahunt, 10th District of Massachussetts: Breaking News District outline image Breaking News
For Immediate Release:
February 16, 2006
Further Information:
Steve Broderick (202) 225-3111
Reminds Folks that Low-Income Heating Oil Still Available

WASHINGTON, DC - Concerned about your skyrocketing utility bills? Congressman Bill Delahunt wants you to know that you're not alone.  Starting today, his office is making available a free publication from the US Department of Energy that has some helpful, low-cost, energy efficient tips to help consumers lower their monthly bills.

"My office has been flooded with calls and letters from consumers still in shock after opening their monthly electric bill," Congressman Delahunt said. "With winter weather still expected for a few more weeks, following just a few of these tips could result in big savings."

The 34-page publication entitled, Energy Saver$, Tips on Saving Energy and Money at Home, offers recommendations on how consumer can reduce their annual energy costs.  These include installing programmable thermostats, insulating duct work, closing the curtains on windows at night, purchasing energy efficient appliances - even advice for prospective home builders. 

The publication is free of charge.  It is available online from the Energy Department's website -  Rep. Delahunt's office has limited number of copies available.  Interested constituents should call 800-794-9911 (South Shore) or 800-870-2626 (Cape and Islands).

Discounted Heating Oil Still Available

Rep. Delahunt also reminded consumers that it's not too late to apply for the discounted, home-heating oil program.

Last November, Rep. Bill Delahunt announced a first-in-the-nation plan for Venezuelan-based CITGO to provide 12 million gallons of home heating oil to low-income families and social service institutions across the Commonwealth.  The program is expected to supply fuel to nearly 50,000 households and hundreds of social service institutions with oil at a 40% discount.

To explore eligibility for discounts, local families can call (877) 563-4645.  Human service groups can call (800) 287-3950.

