For Immediate Release:
February 22, 2007
Further Information:
Anestis Kalaitzidis - (617)770-3700



Funds to Assist Providers Address Increasing Need


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Bill Delahunt announced new federal assistance to help local human service organizations combat homelessness in Barnstable, Norfolk and Plymouth Counties.

Rep. Delahunt announced that the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)  is providing two sizable allocations of federal funding for emergency shelter and services for the region’s homeless population including: $1,150,071 to Cape Cod & The Islands and $2,010,216 for the South Shore.  These awards will be distributed to local non-profit agencies that provide direct aid to local residents who are facing an immediate crisis. 

“This year has been extremely challenging for many of the housing and human service organizations in our region that are working with families and individuals who are homeless,” Delahunt said. “The cold weather and the growing affordable housing crisis, coupled with cuts in a number of federal housing and energy assistance programs, have made it difficult for far too many people.” 

In awarding these grants, the Department of Housing & Urban Development considers an array of factors including an area’s population, unemployment and poverty rates.  The priority is on providing emergency shelter, permanent and transitional housing and social services such as health care, job training, child care and mental health counseling.  About $1.4 billion will be disbursed nationally under the program. Among the local providers receiving funding are: 

Quincy Interfaith Sheltering Coalition ($1,793,483)

South Shore Housing Development Corporation ($125,125)

Barnstable Housing Authority ($368,184)

Housing Assistance Corporation ($712,750)

Housing For All Corporation ($44,200)

“While the federal government must continue to do more to help address the chronic problem of homelessness, this assistance from HUD provides an added boost to the outstanding work being done by our local homeless service providers at our shelters, housing authorities and social service agencies. These individuals on the front lines, who deal with the emergencies and the increasing numbers of homeless families needing immediate assistance, are the ones who deserve our special appreciation,” Delahunt added.

