For Immediate Release:
December 5, 2007
Further Information:
Mark Forest - 202-225-3111/774-487-2534

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bill Delahunt joined with his colleagues at a press conference today on Capitol Hill to discuss the comprehensive energy bill that Democratic leaders will bring up for debate on the House floor tomorrow.

“The legislation unveiled today takes the first concrete steps in a generation to wean the United States off of foreign oil. By passing this bill, we will conserve energy, increase fuel economy standards, address global climate change, expand renewable power, and promote alternative transportation fuel,” Delahunt said. “With our troops fighting today in Iraq, our addiction to fuel from the Middle East threatens our national security; therefore it is imperative to develop fuels domestically.”

The “Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007” includes historic advancements on fuel economy standards, a Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard, and a national renewable fuels standard.  This legislation is the product of years of work by Delahunt and his House colleagues to advance alternative energy sources.  It would vastly increase the use of biofuels, such as "cellulosic" ethanol, a more efficient biofuel than corn ethanol, and require utility companies to generate 15 percent of their energy from renewable sources, such as wind or solar.

Also included in the bill is a historic agreement negotiated by Speaker Pelosi to break a 30-year Congressional deadlock on mileage standards in the form of the increased CAFE standards.  The current corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards -- mandating a 25-mile-per-gallon standard for cars – were adopted during the Ford Administration.

Delahunt believes this legislation will help the economy by creating new clean energy jobs and economic opportunities around the nation and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

Specifically this legislation would:

Set Historic Fuel Economy Standards for Cars and Trucks: It includes provisions to increase fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon by 2020 for new cars and trucks. These provisions will save American families $700 to $1000 per year at the pump, with $22 billion in net consumer savings in 2020 alone.  It will also reduce oil consumption by 1.1 million gallons per day in 2020 (one-half of what we currently import from the Persian Gulf), and reduce greenhouse gases equal to taking 28 million of today's average cars and trucks off the road. 

Increase Renewable Fuels Standard/ Expanded Supply of Domestic Biofuels:  The initiative includes a historic commitment to American biofuels that will fuel our cars and trucks – with a robust increase in the Renewable Fuels Standard. The measure ensures that biodiesel and cellulosic sources, such as switchgrass, are a key part of the increase.  It includes critical environmental safeguards to ensure that the growth of domestic fuels helps to reduce carbon emissions and does not degrade water or air quality or harm our lands and public health. The plan includes incentives to boost the production of biofuels and the number of Flex Fuel and other alternative fuel vehicles.

Provide Incentives for Hybrids:  It establishes a plug-in hybrid/electric vehicle tax credit for individuals and encourages the domestic development and production of advanced technology vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. 

Repeal Big Oil and Gas Giveaways to Invest in Renewable Energy: The measure includes tax provisions totaling approximately $21 billion – which includes the repeal of about $13 billion in tax subsidies for Big Oil from the House energy bill. The bill closes a loophole written into the international tax bill (H.R. 4520) and rolls back the 2005 Energy Bill tax break for geological and geophysical expenditures

Provide Electricity from Clean Renewable Sources:  This provision, which was contained in the House-passed bill, requires utility companies to generate 15 percent of electricity from renewable sources -- such as wind power, biomass, wave, tidal, geothermal and solar -- by 2020. 

Create A Skilled Green Workforce:  This package creates an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Worker Training Program to train a quality workforce for “green” collar jobs -- such as solar panel manufacturer and green building construction worker -- created by federal renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives. Major investments in renewable energy could create 3 million green jobs over 10 years.

Help Small Businesses Lead in Renewable Energy:  The bill increases loan limits to help small businesses develop energy efficient technologies and purchases; provides information to small businesses to reduce energy costs; and increases investment in small firms developing renewable energy solutions, recognizing the leadership of entrepreneurs in the alternative energy sector.

The final version of this legislation is expected to be taken up by the House of Representatives tomorrow.

