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@KeiferB Apparently she's handing out delays today, we just need to ask Mme Jean
i'm thinking I might prorogue going to the dentist
I've asked the Governor General to suspend the NHL season until the Habs sort everything out. Merci Mme Jean.
in keeping with the spirit of the day, I'm going to have perogies (pro-roguies) for lunch.. #coalition
Imagine if the Maple Leafs walked out with 5mins left of every game they were about to lose... Oh wait,... they do.. #coalition
@kandihenry Duceppe is speaking now, and seems the most Prime Ministerial of any of them... This is so F'd up
#coalition - I'm agreeing with Gilles Duceppe? WTF is happenning to this country ???
RT @valerieinto: It's like Steve walked out of a bedroom during a frat party,met his pals and said, "Yeah, I fucked her." High-fives follow.
I'm usually quite proud of being Canadian.. not so much right now
@kaymatthews it's ok - She'd just just have Harper write the book for her anyway
#coalition - Someone please tell Sovereignists again how Canada is working? I sure have my doubts today...
Fuckity fuck fuck. Mme Jean - you got some s'plainin to do. You 'll go down in history as Harper's robot .. well done. #coalition
#coalition - Canada = FAIL. Democracy denied.
#coalition - this isn't good..
#coalition - 12 guys at $45/hr to set up that podium
Harper actually left gov't house 1.5 hours ago, through the OTHER door.... d'oh! #coalition
@AllAxisAjay they were closed. then they opened. Then they closed again. You're now up to date
RT @AllAxisAjay: Did anyone notice that they're... FRENCH doors? #coalition


Derrick Robb M. Wayne Sutton Chris MacDonald Paul Terry Walhus Steve Dinn Jason Ruby Antonio Edward Dan Patterson Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Sooz Lisa McMillan Chaitanya Sagar Chris Campbell Chris Brogan julien Kevin Kennedy-Spaien Whitney Hoffman Justin Kownacki Harold Dave LaMorte Matt John Federico Michael Bailey Jay Moonah Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Meg Jim Long Jack Hodgson Mark Blevis  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Robert Scoble
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