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@KatjaPresnal I hear you - you know that Oprah can be a mixed blessing. If you aren't ready it can overwhelm. If you are it can be amazing.
@petersonwally we watched the first three episodes and we are more confused now then when we started - loved the physicist and ghost buster
@delwilliams what made you decide to unfollow them?
@LaDolceDIva maybe the ratio changes as you get higher in numbers - or Guy is really a leader and I am just a beginner - I'm not sure
@KatjaPresnal is being on Oprah a goal of yours?
Ok folks if you are not following @avfguy and @SocialPMChick you need to - they are incredibly helpful and should get all the bonus points!
@avfguy and really I don't want to just add people for numbers, there are just more interesting people I want to follow
@avfguy interesting reading - it took him 14 weeks - sounds good.
@avfguy ok - let's see what he says!
@fenrislorsrai thank you so much for blogging about Germy Wormy - you made my client very happy - thanks!
@SocialPMChick wow apparently I am worth $560 - hmm
@Responsibills yep - oh followers - follow me - oh follow me - ;)
@responsibills sadly there has to be a pretty close ratio - you can't follow more then follow you at some point - so I have to grow by 800
@avfguy wow - 2000 man, that is a lot of followers. How do you make that happen naturally and not forced? I am at 1248 and counting!
@princesstimetoy sounds like you like sweet things - you could try an old favorite Constant Comment - it is sweeter and has some caffine.
@leelinau does anyone have a good solution to the can't follow problem?
@princesstimetoy teas is an aquired taste - like coffee. Start slow and you will find what you love. I used to like Tazo Awake
SO I can't follow anyone else unless I get more followers or unfollow - oh the choices to be made


Biz Stone Keith Kamisugi sonson (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Chris Marsden Brian Clark Jim Long Jevon Emily Chang  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble erin photomatt Kathy just me giovanni Nancy White Busy Mom Starbucks Coffee John Gruber djlemur the Domestic Diva Lilly Evans    Erica OGrady Leila Davies Neils Brooks Patrick McKeown Ike Pigott Jay Oatway claynferno Ander Claire timlauer
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