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Who wants to borrow Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenberg from me? DM or email me
Switching to Emacs.
RT counti8 Go vote for @sachac's DrupalCon Session, let's send this girl to Washington! :)
Marveled today at a co-worker's productivity today. Tactical, not strategic, but still impressive.
Lazyweb: a Greasemonkey script to remind me which books I'm reading (via All Consuming) when there are no unread items in Google Reader?
Looking forward to the post-Web 2.0 t-shirt era.
Was I the only one on the left who opposed the coalition?
@lil_destro looking forward to your podcast I mean mixtape.
And with that, no more podcasts to listen to. With Inbox Zero rapidly approaching, soon I'll only have important-but-not-urgent stuff to do.
@counti8 we are on the same wavelength. Been thinking about creativity while listening to Postcards from Gravelly Beach this morning.
I've set Dec. 14th as my deadline for deciding about whether or not to speak at Northern Voice 2009.
Looking forward to @rtanglao's Bug Labs adventures. Too bad Google Sites has no RSS!
Thrift stores, sparks, refund, "other circles", oatmeal, umbrellas, post office sounds, mirror, holding court.
@runforcover "Nowhere Fast" particularly so.
@stevekrueger "yes no maybe is all I need to hear from you"
@runforcover I spent a lot of time playing GTA III listening to that album, so every time it comes on, I think of stealing a car.
@sniffles thought about that. Our film photos are memories, not art. They just need to be digitized so that we reduce our amount of stuff.
The Regional Assembly of Text on Main continues to amaze. So much whimsy. :)
Ashamed of my handwriting two decades after deciding with my elementary school counselor to improve it (and increase my number of friends)


James Walker cathycracks Jess steph Roland Tanglao Lloyd Budd Bryght Pinder matt trent Jan Karlsbjerg Dane Brown Adam Gessaman Karen Quinn Fung Wesabe Chunshek Chan Gene Blishen stephanie vacher Adam Hill Reid Jason Vanderhill Tylor Sherman Leigh Honeywell toddsieling sarahfelicity sideblog updates filmgoerjuan ryanmottau Mason Wright lisa212 annie spencer northernvoice vanmega acquia Elizabeth