Jen Myers’s Favorites

Bryce Glass
soldierant #NowFollowing @simplepixels, who looks like a cool-ass dude. In Columbus! Yay, us. (Check out his tookmarks proj: )
marshallk you can have your tech friends on twitter, but if you neglect Facebook, you non tech friends don't get to see pictures of your dog.
Neil Miller
rejects Currently shopping around for a designer, someone who knows Wordpress well. If you know anyone, have them email me.
Nu Image Films
NuImageFilms “Where is Hollywood located? Chiefly between the ears. In that part of the American brain lately vacated by God.” - Erica Jong
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin DM me if you want a Gmail invite, I have 94 left.
Alison Willmore
indie_eye Criss Angel confuses me. Am I supposed to want to date him? So many people seem to.
Dean Cameron Allen
textism After the election Palin should be put on display somewhere, at which women can queue up and call her whatever, um, word they choose.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Been caving caribou and field mice all day. Being hungry like the wolf is significantly less sexy than advertised.
shinykatie I liked it when the internet was where I could hide with all the other miserablists. I'm shit at networking.
Matt Singer
ifcnews An infomercial just solda money clip by showing what happens when you put it in the blender. How often does that problem come up?
DrNatalieDee NATALIE'S ECONOMY FIX: Legalize weed, tax the hell out of it. Done and done. Thank you.
Phil Plait
BadAstronomer Once you pull a tray of Chips Ahoy all the way out of the bag, the laws of the Universe prevent you from ever getting it fully back in.
hotdogsladies Great news. Found someone on Craigslist who'll feel the rain on my skin for me. $10/hr, plus towel deposit.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman 50% of women get assaulted, yet our culture identifies gay men as a problem.
brinstar Stupid quote of the day: "[T]hat's my biggest problem with feminist issues: males are often completely ignored." *headdesk*
daniel fox
danielskreened Is it bad dat eye don't wanna to do business wif ppl that eml me n spell in txt msg tlk. if u do, i won't reply, k?
jester New favourite blogger?
Liz Henry
lizhenry ready for cramps to be over now please. who invented this? i blame the patriarchy
Jerry Nummi
nummi "Why Russert and Carlin, and not O’Reilly and Mencia?"


Don The Idea Guy Molly E. Holzschlag   christine Stowe Boyd stephthegeek Hickensian Beep. sizemore Jess John Gruber liz Tony Delgrosso Scott McNulty Jeffrey Zeldman Dean Cameron Allen Brandice Joshua Green Allen Wiley Wiggins Fake Henry Rollins hotdogsladies Sean Jerry Nummi Brenda Wallace Grant Robertson Brian Yuhnke Karina Longworth marshallk Chris Thilk Jan Lehnardt linuxchic norm Jason Kottke Joe O'Brien Karl Gunnarsson Bud Caddell
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