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could really use some of The Three Bs right now.
I'm going to be in the city around happy hour tomorrow. If you & I keep saying "we should get a drink," this might be the time.
I want my Spectrum lineup.
I'm interviewing Kelly Reichardt in a couple of hours. Questions?
Having a decision making disfunction regarding going to LA for Christmas.
Boo hoo.
Brief Interviews wHideous Men,Josh Harris doc in competition @ Sundance:
T-minus 16 minutes until the Sundance lineup comes out!!! Aaaahhhh!
@erichkohn: is gran torino screening today? i haven't been able to get an invite.
Facebook is making it very difficult for me to report someone who is harassing me. Blerg.
@ultrgrrrl: fresh direct has a ratings system for freshness/in season-ness
Revolutionary Road: It's good, but would have been devastating had Mendes muted the actors and just looped "Wild is the Wind."
will unfortunately have to miss Beyonce pretending to be Etta James in order to soak in Kate and Leo's pretend suburban ennui.
Is there any appropriate application of the Frankfurt school in a post-Obama era, other than as a rhetorical tool of the cranky Right?
My evening screening was waaaay overbooked, leaving me stranded in the city with lots of time.
SO tempted to RSVP for the Ron Paul supporter holiday dinner, just out of curiosity...
Very impressed that I managed to put together a full Fresh Direct order out of moisturizer, popsicles and string cheese.
@ timeyles & @fakeshemp: thanks for your support
Off to go test my limited tolerance for Holocaust movies with "The Reader."
@bandrybarry: thanks! And just saw yr Twitter from last night. I was on my couch reading. Next time text me when yr so close...


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