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Who out there is using a SFDC Web-to-Lead form to begin a download action (software trial, whitepaper, etc)? Care to discuss by DM?
Started reading books again..."The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell and "Talent is Overrated" by Geoff Colvin
The internet still amazes me. I bought a book Sun, read it on the plane, and sold it on Amazon today! Crazy!
@scottdodds It's mm_forum, phpbb-like forum based in Typo3. I'm looking for Salesforce/forum integration while retaining forum data... :-)
I can rise with the Stockholm, where it currently rises at about 8:30am!
is there a way to create .iso files from a selected # of files like .zip? ref. and their download builder
That's enough for me...I just didn't know if Vimeo was like the trendy, I'm-too-cool-for-YouTube option...seeing it a lot lately!
Vimeo vs. YouTube? I like the UI of Vimeo better...any other big pros vs. YT?
just got pwned by my Support team for having a Mac
@southwestair charging for Biz Select for connecting flights is bush league. I pay for 11A-F, and someone from last flight has it.
@souhwestair you shouldn't charge for Biz Select on connecting flights. I can't my fave seat that I paid more $ for. Bush league.
@lord_matty I assign certain applications to certain spaces (VMWare, Photoshop, etc.), and that helps.
@lord_matty I only use two of them...keep it simple - One login box...can Salesforce check all user groups and direct that address to correct portal?
answering support e-mails that are backlogged since Halloween. I can't wait for Salesforce portals and a decent forum system!
They just rick-rolled the Macy's Parade!
@Kingsley2 Congrats Kingsley...I'll expect a liveblog of the whole thing!
Looking for thoughts about how diff. countries treat e-mail and online marketing? Are the behaviors similar or diff. from the US? Anyone?
Always heard of this concept; nice to have a site that can point it out to others not in the online community world
Oil is $49 a barrel and the stock market is under 8000. These are some crazy times we're living in


Kingsley Joseph countnazgul Matt Brooke-Smith Jon Moody tvanfleet QlikView