Building Teacher Expertise to Implement Inquiry-Centered Curriculum

In order to be an effective science educator, the teacher must also be an effective learner, continually building on existing knowledge and skills. The PDC courses provide teachers with the opportunity to learn and practice the skills needed to create supportive classrooms environments for student inquiry. The PDC offers courses that move teachers through all levels of the proficiency continuum – from novice to expert. 

  • Middle school curriculum: Courses focused on the NSRC Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools (STC/MS) curriculum.
  • Elementary School curriculum: Courses for the NSRC elementary curriculum, Science and Technology for Children (STC).
  • College-level Syllabi for use at college level.

Summer 2009 Professional Development Opportunities: 

Smithsonian Science Education Academies for Teachers, information to come. For information on previous year's academies, please go to the Academies Web site at

Other Professional Development Offerings:

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Schedule a Course at Your Site!

We welcome the opportunity to customize our services to suit the unique needs of districts and coalitions. This includes letting you choose the most convenient site location. For further information, contact the NSRC Professional Development Center at 202-287-7307.  You may also contact us via email:


More About the NSRC