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@davemerwin Yeah, thanks for that. I actually was the guy that helped Cameron get into mobile. I'm looking for something a bit more specific
trying to find some references on the importance of the telephone on humanity. Any thoughts? #mobiledesign
@e4c I think so. it is working famously with border-radius so far!
@cookiecrook right. but my life would be better if it worked within the containing element too!
my plan is to keep on using "vertical-align" until someday, something happens.
@mrwarren no. will check them out. check out Girls in Hawaii too.
@ktamura no, in a throwing things way
listening to Grandaddy. a bit sad they aren't together anymore.
I am about to blow a gasket over Photoshop CS4!
damn it! off by a pixel!
buying my christmas cards from iPhoto this year.
did I mention how much I hate Word?
after vowing to never install it again, I installed Word at the request of my editor. The things I will do for this book! #mobiledesign
Singing "Here comes your man" with PJ on the way to school.
I really need to take Queen out of rotation. I love Freddie and all, but you can only hear Bohemian Rhapsody so many times during your life.
the jackhammer outside is doing wonders for my concentration on IE bugs
@ravenme that is great. I'm skipping the tech talk, but let me know when you are in town.
@bryanrieger AWESOME! let me know how it goes.


Evan Williams Dom Sagolla veen Buzz Andersen Matt Jones Nick Douglas Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Harper Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm brady forrest Steve Ganz Mike Rowehl Jason Fields Daniel Newman Prashant Agarwal ribot Maxine Sherrin Elliott Pesut Jeremy Keith Hickensian Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Lee LeFever Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook
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