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Goodbye new york
W00t! formatting terms and privacy documents! (lowest point of my day)
@RickStern ugh, I was just thinking the same thing.
Share your gamertag! Mine's lukeesftw.
Fringe > X Files
@lianegraham you wanna get pumped? ANDREW W K
Wow, you can embed facebook videos now:
@lianegraham you making this too easy. wheres the drama?
@markisnice I actually really liked martin short in that ep, though he's still pretty hir or miss for me. I'm the only Glick fan, I think.
@markisnice It's the one show that doesn't have a single disappointing episode. This may be true for the Office UK too.
@tomippen better get better for the start of Luke vacation
@doseido That's awesome! That's even harder than getting someone to switch to the mac.
Woops, didn't make a proper link:
Do yourself a favour and check out Dancing Girls TV:
w00t, we finally launched PRO and a bunch of website-gloss:
@skinnyghost Haha, yeah probably. There seems to be a new Castlevania out once a year


Andrew Wilkinson Robert S Andersen Amit superamit Gupta Sarah Austin William Wilkinson Josh Pyles Tom Ippen Simon Frankson brianna b Marri Lynn David Karp Billy He Andrea Gelati Phillip Ryu Jona Bechtolt Mark Nichols John Otjen Darrell Silver Caitlin Hill subscribed Joseph North Socks 37signals Cultured Code Andy Peatling StrawPoll emilydee lianegraham quiksave Dan Trachtenberg Maria Konstantinov littlesnapper Matt_LRR theslyestfox Matt Bufford grhmbdgr