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today i declare myself a prisoner of hope!..
overheard: "words are not enough to express the Love of God"
facebook overheard: "Our expectation is the action of our faith."
woot!..happy election day! matter who wins, i've got got good news..God will still be in control and on the throne..always..good day!!
prayer request: for Brian C. on his job hunt & on wisdom for decisions..have a good day!..
"either the Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible" -D. L. Mooney have a good day, and an even greater week!
I like these cloudy days..they are pretty nice..put work in the equation, some conferences & music -> ipod..& you got yourself a kick bu ...
psalms 73:26 "my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" woot woot!
psalms 73:26 "my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" woot woot!
good day to all of you! just wanted to share a cool verse..reminds me who gives me the joy & strength & Love.. =-]!!
today's the US' 232nd birthday!..have fun. be safe. watch some fireworks. & enjoy your holiday!..God bless you..and have it awesome! 8D!
woot! i am having a pretty swell time in Honduras peeps..i have sporadic online-ness here..but heck it is pretty cool to say hi to you guys!
legalizing gay well..hope you have it swell this weekend..(by the way narnia is released as of tonight midnight)
awesome things to pray about this weekend: the reencuentro/48 hours for servers..and the state of california which as of today has finished
Habakkuk 3:17-18.. 17 i s really long but 18 says: yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior..have it swell.. 8D !!!
good day to all!! seems like it is going to rain here's a couple of cool verses about joy.. / joy : coolness /
Phillipians 2:13..that's what's up..hope that you are having an awesome day..
for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
good day! are you going to see expelled? be there or well..mikey might open up a can of whooping..see you today 5-ish at the movies!!
A wise man's heart guides his mouth, & his lips promote instruction. Prov16.23 (wisdomness =) good day peeps!)