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OYA Community Services
Parole and Probation
Residential Services
Foster Care Services
Forecast Population Growth
Parole and Probation
image of youth walking path
The Oregon Youth Authority provides parole and probation services in all 36 counties in Oregon . The 36 counties are divided into 11 service areas with a designated field supervisor for each of the areas.
The Oregon Youth Authority exercises legal and physical custody over youth offenders who commit offenses between the ages of 12 and 18 and have been committed to the OYA by county juvenile courts. Youth offenders may remain in OYA’s legal and physical custody up to age 25.
In addition to juvenile court commitments, OYA can have physical custody of young offenders who commit crimes while under age 18, are convicted in adult court after jurisdiction or statutory judicial waiver or Measure 11 charge, and are in the legal custody of the Oregon Department of Corrections. OYA may retain custody of these offenders up to age 25.
The primary focus of the Oregon Youth Authority’s parole and probation services is the case management and supervision of youth placed in youth correctional facilities, residential programs and foster care. 
The goal of case management is to target the specific criminogenic risk factors of each youth offender identified through the Risk/Needs assessment. Case management is implemented through an individualized case plan and supported by risk-based supervision utilizing a continuum of sanctions and services, which continue until a youth terminates from OYA custody. These responses and services are designed to provide youth offenders with opportunities for reformation and support positive adjustments while reducing the risk of future criminal activity.  
Partnerships between the Oregon Youth Authority, county juvenile departments, private providers and other stakeholders promote effective communication, shared case planning, efficient service delivery, and utilizes best practice models designed to reduce recidivism. 
Family involvement is a high priority for field services. Families are encouraged to participate in case planning by attending multidisciplinary team meetings, family conferences, and home visit check ins.

Field Parole and Probation Offices

Treatment Services
Treatment Services has a primary role in the attainment of the following agency goals:
Reduce juvenile crime by providing an appropriate continuum of services based upon risk/needs, supporting juvenile crime prevention efforts, and continuously seeking program and service improvements, using research and quality assurance as guides.
Ensure accountability of the juvenile justice system by creating an open agency that uses data and research to guide practices, uses performance measures, and evaluates its programs and practices for efficiency and effectiveness.

Residential Services
Community Residential Services
The Oregon Youth Authority’s community residential services system provides both staff-secure and transitional placements for youth offenders who cannot remain in their own homes based on their risk to reoffend and specific individual needs.  These placements ensure public safety by providing supervised living environments, and provide accountability and opportunities for reformation to youth offenders.
Community residential placements serve youth offenders ranging in age from 12 – 25 who have been adjudicated prior to age 18 in juvenile courts and committed to the OYA. 
The community residential services system includes approximately 40 programs located in communities around Oregon.  These programs range in size and function to provide a continuum of evidence-based services established to address youth offender criminogenic risk factors and provide support until they are able to return home or live independently.  They include residential treatment, independent living, assessment and evaluation and Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) programs.
A multi-disciplinary partnership between the Oregon Youth Authority, county juvenile departments, contracted residential providers and other stakeholders promotes effective communication, shared case planning, efficient service delivery and the utilization of evidence based models to provide appropriate reformation services.  Reformation services begin with standardized assessment measures that identify youth offender risk, need and responsivity factors that are used to create individualized service plans.  Reformation services focus on reducing criminogenic risk factors by teaching pro-social skills and addressing antisocial thinking, primarily through cognitive-behavioral and social learning models. 
The Oregon Youth Authority collaborates with contracted residential providers to establish evidence-based service criteria.  The OYA and its contracted residential providers place a high value on providing services that are culturally competent and gender-specific to offer youth the best opportunity for positive change.  Families are also an integral and valued part of the multi-disciplinary team, and have opportunities to participate in case planning, counseling, parent training and supported home visits.  Education programs are provided in all residential settings through local school and education service districts.  Contracted residential providers offer a full range of supportive services to youth, including mental health interventions and counseling, treatment for victims of abuse, physical and dental health care, religious/spiritual services if requested, recreational programs and work experience.

Residential Resource Directory

Foster Care Services
Family foster care is a placement option for youth offenders in a family environment certified by the OYA.  Foster care is a planned and time-limited alternative living arrangement for youth in the absence of a viable family resource.
For more information, visit OYA's Foster Care Services page.

Forecast Population Growth
The Department of Administrative Services, Office of Economic Analysis, issues a semi-annual forecast of OYA populations.  Each biennium the OYA Agency Request budget includes funding to meet the capacity required by the forecast.
For more information on OYA's Population Forecast, go to the Office of Economic Analysis webpage.  

The OYA and all 36 county juvenile departments maintain negotiated co-management agreements outlining practices between the agencies. The agreements define a continuum of services that operationalize the work between agency staff and fills in the gaps for youth services in state and local jurisdictions.
OYA field staffs are members of Local Public Safety Coordinating Councils (LPSCC). OYA youth and services are incorporated into local public safety planning.  The LPSCC and work with local juvenile departments are two examples of partnerships that exist to frame the work that is done on behalf of youth and families throughout the state.

Individualized Community Services
Individualized community services provide a supplemental level of treatment and support services tailored to meet the individual needs and case plans of youth offenders. 
  • Sex Offender Transition provides ongoing reassessment of risk, treatment, and supportive services to sex offenders returning to the community on parole status from close custody.
  • Minority Youth Transition promotes a positive reintegration from OYA close custody facilities by establishing connections between minority youth offenders and their home communities.
  • Transition and Independent Living services for youth offenders moving toward emancipation includes incrementally decreased supervision, vocational skill building, and job placement assistance.
  • Wrap-Around services meet widely varied needs, ranging from simple one-time services to complex, multi-disciplinary case management services.
  • Functional Family Therapy is a family therapy program proven successful with delinquent youth and families resistant to traditional treatment.
  • Treatment, mental health services, urgent health care, and prescription medication for those youth who reside in the community and are not eligible for the Oregon Health Plan, third party insurance or have no other means of funding these services.
“Individualized Services” is a funding source designed for individual case planning.  The funding for Individualized Services is part of the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) budget for the purpose of providing individualized case plan services to youth offenders.

Diversion, Juvenile Crime Prevention, and Youth Gang Services
OYA provides funding to counties through agreements for delinquency prevention and intervention services to meet the needs of youth offenders who might otherwise be committed to the OYA.  The funds are provided to county juvenile departments through intergovernmental agreements.
  • Diversion:  Counties develop and operate local services designed to divert the highest risk youth offenders from placement in OYA custody.
  • Juvenile Crime Prevention Basic Services (JCP Basic):  Counties enhance their basic graduated services and sanctions for youth referred to juvenile departments.  The goal of these services is to prevent further offenses, thereby reducing recidivism.
  • Youth Gang Services:  Multnomah County provides intervention programs for gang involved youth offenders in their community. These funds support a variety of community services as well as enhanced supervision and case management.  Funds targeted to East Multnomah County have created the East Metro Gang Enforcement Team (EMGET).

Page updated: November 05, 2007

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