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Department of Human Services

Protecting Oregonians from unnecessary radiation exposure
There are currently more than 9,000 registered X-ray machines, 2,000 registered tanning devices, and more than 450 radioactive material licenses in the state. Each year Radiation Protection Services answers more than 1,000 calls from the public relating to indoor radon. Additionally, about 2,000 X-ray machines, 200 tanning facilities and 100 radioactive material licensees are inspected each year.
Licensing and Compliance
What's New
For Facilities and Suppliers
Inspection and Licensing
Education and Outreach
What's New
Education and Outreach
Radiological Emergency Response program staff respond to approximately 100 emergency calls each year. The staff will answer questions, advise actions, and if necessary, respond to any radiological emergency within the state of Oregon.
Radon Gas

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