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DHS Domestic Violence Council


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What is the Council?

The Department of Human Services Domestic Violence Council advises the Director of DHS on issues of domestic violence. The DHS Domestic Violence Council convened in June 2002.



Council membership

The Council is comprised of fifteen members; ten cross disciplinary members from within DHS and five community partners who work to end domestic violence in their communities.


Mission and values statement

The Council is committed to enhancing safety for victims/survivors of domestic violence in the way DHS services are delivered and to developing systems that ensure coordinated community response to prevent violence.


The DHS Domestic Violence Council believes in the right of each person to live free of personal harm and recognizes that the individual seeking help is not responsible for the violence of another person's actions. Accountability for the violence rests with the perpetrator. We support DHS employees by providing tools and education to promote recognition of domestic violence patterns in order to increase supportive services to victims and survivors. We are committed to continuously review our operations and improve our service delivery based upon community and employee feedback.



The Council has the following committees:

  • Structure: to implement and maintain the structure, membership and training of the DHS DV Council,
  • Practice: to encourage the uniformity in staff knowledge and practices throughout DHS, related to domestic violence,
  • Policy: to ensure policy and protocols within DHS provide for the safety of victims and their families and do not provide additional barriers to client safety, and
  • Communication: to share and access information pertaining to domestic violence within DHS, between DHS and community partners, and between community partners, DHS and the DHS DV Council.


How to contact the council:

The DHS DV Council wants to hear your ideas or concerns on statewide issues, policies and practices within DHS.

To contact the Council
Email: Verona Turner, verona.l.turner@state.or.us

Email will be checked regularly and distributed to an appropriate council committee. However, the Council only meets bi-monthly so will not be able to make an immediate response.

If you have a concern about a specific case or situation or need individual assistance, please contact your DHS local office.

Each District also has a domestic violence point person. They are able to provide program information and assistance, and can bring issues to the Council.



DHS domestic violence prevention and intervention standards



Implementing the standards (PDF)


Field implementation steps (PDF)


DHS Quality Assurance Standards for Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention  (PDF)

DHS leadership have approved the following Standards related to domestic violence prevention and intervention. These Standards reflect a vision that will guide the Department and Contractors in developing policies and practices that are supportive of the needs of survivors of domestic violence.




Meeting minutes


All minutes are in PDF format


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Additional Information


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