Since 1997 the region has delivered 210 average megawatts through NEEA initiatives and related utility and state efforts. This is enough electricity to power more than 145,000 homes for a year.
The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is a unique partnership among our region's leaders in energy efficiency with the mission to drive the development and adoption of energy-efficient products and services. Working together through NEEA, utilities have a greater influence and lasting impact on the marketplace, helping them reach their energy savings goals.

Through this collaboration, NEEA has helped make the Northwest a national leader in energy efficiency.

2008 NEEA Retrospective

NEEA commissioned a third-party evaluation of its accomplishments during the 2005-2009 funding period. According to the report, NEEA will accomplish its strategic goals, far exceeding its 75 aMW energy savings target. It is also expected to meet its overall cost-effectiveness goals.
Read more.
2008 NEEA Retrospective
11.19.2008  Northwest Lights the Way to Better Energy Policy, Op-Ed by Claire Fulenwider
11.14.2008  NEEA Holds Regional Energy Efficiency Conference; Leading Utilities & Organizations Present Their Energy Efficiency Plans
11.05.2008  NEEA Launches