Oregon Labor Market Information System
Industry Trends
Oregon’s Credit Industry had $1.5-Billion Payroll in 2007 With developments in the national financial situation, many are wondering about the health of Oregon's credit industry.
Employment Remains Near All-Time High
Access to historical employment and wage information has never been easier. Our on-line database contains over 20 years of detailed industry data for Oregon and all counties.
The Current Employment Statistics (CES) monthly survey provides the most up-to-date employment estimates available. Industry employment figures are available for all labor market areas in Oregon.
Helpful Links
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
State, federal partners create mapping network.
The Voice is an online information center about what's happening in Oregon's dynamic manufacturing sector. It collects and consolidates news, resources, programs, and contacts from companies, consortia, industry and labor groups, education and training providers, and government organizations.
decorationArticles decoration
Analysis of the employment and unemployment data for October 2008.
While jobs numbers are useful in gauging economic trends, there are pieces of Oregon's economic pie missing from the usual statistics.
As the economy slows, many minds turn to the label "recession." This article examines the characteristics of the last several downturns to see what makes recessions similar and what varies during uncertain economic times.
In many parts of Oregon, summertime brings additional jobs. Read this article to learn where seasonal fluctuations are greatest.
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Handling the Heat: Oregon Foundries Oregon has a higher concentration of employment in foundries than the nation. Check out the history of this formative industry, as well as current trends and workforce needs, in this article.
Construction Losing Jobs at Fastest Rate Since Early 2002 Oregon's construction sector is feeling the pain of the national housing downturn.
Oregon’s High-Tech Employment Trends – What is High Tech? Important and dynamic industry enhances state's economy.
Oregon’s Nursery Industry: A History of Growth The crop value of Oregon’s greenhouse and nursery products recently topped $1 billion. This article describes the history, trade, and workforce of this valuable industry.
More "Industry Spotlight"
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This monthly newsletter contains the latest information on trends in employment and unemployment, as well as providing in-depth coverage of a wide range of economic and labor market topics.
A Local Labor Trends newsletter is published each month for each of 13 regions within the state, and each contains the most recent information on local area employment and unemployment.
High prices at the gas pump should pump up demand for workers with energy efficiency and renewable energy skills.
Recent employment trends, 10-year projections, and the economic argument in favor of higher educational attainment.
Tables of monthly and annual average agricultural employment by area.
Whether you are looking for the largest industries, the occupations with the most job openings, or the fastest-growing occupations, you will find the information here.
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