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Grants and business resources
Points for grant seekers Business management info.
Development and marketing Renewable Energy Grants
Foreign and export market For more information
Stewardship & natural resource
Research grants
General grant resources
Points for grant seekers
  1. Grants are cyclical—they come and go. If you find something of interest, make sure you understand the criteria and prepare ahead of time for the next round if the grant is already closed for the current year.
  2. The proposed project must match the criteria that the funding entity has established. Read the criteria carefully and answer all the questions when developing a grant proposal, and be sure to include all required documentation.
  3. Grants are usually competitive and each proposal will be evaluated on its merits against other proposals.
  4. Grants bring obligations. If you are successful in securing a grant, you will be required to fulfill all the outcomes, record keeping, reporting, and efforts associated with the funding project.
Help preparing grants

Development and marketing
Rural Business Opportunity Grants
Grant application deadline is usually in September.
Who is eligible?
Rural public bodies, rural nonprofit corporations, rural Indian tribes, and cooperatives with primarily rural members.

USDA Value-Added Producer Grants
This grant is CLOSED for 2008 -- Applications are generally due in March/April. If you are interested in this grant, begin by reviewing the materials below.
There is an extensive worksheet/checklist at the USDA Web site (above) that can assist in preparing a grant application. There is also a list of individuals/companies that can assist in preparing the grant application:  http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/or/biz/PackagerList.pdf
The Value-added Producer Grant (USDA/VAPG) is intended to help independent agricultural producers enter into value-added activities. The grant can be used to fund one of the following two activities:
  1. Planning activities needed to establish a viable value-added marketing opportunity for an agricultural product (e.g. conduct a feasibility study, develop a business plan, develop a marketing plan, legal work); or
  2. Working capital to operate a value-added business venture that will allow producers to better compete in domestic and international markets.
  • Renewable energy projects are also eligible for this funding (planning or working captal projects).
This grant is very competitive. For more information, please contact:
  • Martin Zone, USDA Rural Development , 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Ste. 801, Portland, OR 97204-3222, Phone: (503) 414-3361, martin.zone@or.usda.gov
Note: The Oreogn Energy Trust may share the cost to hire a qualified grant consultant to assist applicants in writing proposals for USDA-VAPG energy related projects.  To qualify for Energy Trust assistance, the grant must either be located in the Oregon service territory of Pacific Power or Portland General Electric, or have reasonable expectations of a power purchase agreement with one of those utilities. Off-grid projects are not eligible. Eligible renewable technologies include new electricity generation facilities, or new additions to existing facilities, fueled by: wind, solar or geothermal energy; low-emission, non-toxic, solid biomass from wood, forest and field residues; dedicated energy crops available on a renewable basis; landfill gas; digester gas; and hydroelectric facilities located outside protected areas as defined by Federal law in effect in 1999. Consultants must be pre-qualified with Energy Trust and possess demonstrated experience in grant writing. Energy Trust can also assist in identifying a qualified consultant. Energy Trust assistance will be limited to 50 percent of the consultant cost, up to $2,500.  For more information contact Oregon Energy Trust at:
Receptionist: 503-493-8888
Fax: 503-546-6862
E-mail: info@energytrust.org


Specialty Crop Program Grant
THIS GRANT IS CLOSED FOR 2008.  2008-Farm Bill Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.  The Oregon Department of Agriculture accepted grant applications through August 20, 2008 for funding of projects as part of a federal program for specialty crops. Funds in the amount of $116,000 was available to agriculture industry associations, producer groups, and commodity commissions in Oregon. Projects chosen to receive funding will be announced by October 30, 2008.

Farmland Protection Grant
THIS GRANT IS Cosed for 2007; will be available again in early 2008.
he Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program (FRPP) provides matching funds to help purchase development rights to keep productive farm and ranchland in agricultural uses. USDA provides up to 50 percent of the fair market value of the conservation easement.
To qualify, farmland must: be part of a pending offer from a State, tribe, or local farmland protection program; be privately owned; have a conservation plan for highly erodible land; be large enough to sustain agricultural production; be accessible to markets for what the land produces; have adequate infrastructure and agricultural support services; and have surrounding parcels of land that can support long-term agricultural production.
See: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/frpp


Food Processor's Exemption Claim from Property Tax
This program enables those involved in food processing to claim a property tax exemption for qualified real property machinery and equipment. The law defines a food processor as a person engaged in the business of freezing, canning, dehydrating, concentrating, preserving, processing or repacking for human consumption raw or fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes or seafood in any procedure that occurs prior to the point of first sale by the processor.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture provides the certification for machinery and equipment that can qualify for the tax exemption. 
For details, see:  http://oregon.gov/ODA/FSD/faq_479.shtml

Foreign and export market
Specialty Crop Technical Export Assistance Program
This grant program is annual and new funding was provided by the 2007 Farm Bill. The most recent funding round closed August 15, 2008. The program will open again in 2009.
The TASC Program is designed to assist U.S. organizations by providing funding for projects that address sanitary, phytosanitary, and technical barriers that prohibit or threaten the export of U.S. specialty crops. U.S. specialty crops, for the purpose of the TASC Program, are defined to include all cultivated plants, or the products thereof, produced in the U.S., except wheat, feed grains, oilseeds cotton, rice, peanuts, sugar, and tobacco.

USDA Quality Samples Program
This grant program is annual. The most recent round of applications closed August 15, 2008 for 2009 project funding. It will open again in 2009.
The Quality Samples Program (QSP) helps U.S. agricultural trade organizations provide small samples of their agricultural products to potential importers in emerging markets overseas.

Focusing on industry and manufacturing, as opposed to end-use consumers, it permits potential customers to discover U.S. quality. It also allows manufacturers overseas to do test runs to assess how U.S. food and fiber products can best meet their production needs.

USDA Emerging Markets Program
This is an annual program. The most recent round closed August 15, 2008. Check the site for funding in 2009.
The Emerging Markets Program is a market access program that provides funding for technical assistance activities intended to promote exports of U.S. agricultural commodities and products to emerging markets in all geographic regions, consistent with U.S. foreign policy.  

USDA Market Access Program
This is an annual funding opportunity. Closed August 15, 2008. 
The Market Access Program (MAP), formerly the Market Promotion Program, uses funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to help U.S. producers, exporters, private companies, and other trade organizations finance promotional activities for U.S. agricultural products. The MAP encourages the development, maintenance, and expansion of commercial export markets for agricultural commodities. Activities financed include consumer promotions, market research, technical assistance, and trade servicing.
To submit a MAP proposal or to find more about the program, contact the USDA-FAS Marketing Operations Staff, AG Box 1042, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1042; Phone: (202) 720-4327; on the Internet at:
Or contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture, Ag Marketing and Development Division, at 503-872-6600.

Foreign Market Development Cooperator Program
This grant is closed for 2008; will be available again in  2009 -- applications usually due in August.
Oganizations may be approved for funding provided the following three conditions exist:
1. It can be determined that such an agreement will assist in developing, maintaining, or expanding foreign markets for U.S. agricultural commodities.
2. The market development activities would not otherwise be undertaken by a nonprofit U.S. agricultural trade organization.
3. A nonprofit U.S.agricultural trade organization designates a particular private organization to act in its behalf.

Foreign Currency Program (specific markets only)
The Section 108 Foreign Currency Program provides cost-sharing assistance in the form of foreign currencies to both the public and private sector for the development, maintenance, and expansion of long-term export markets for U.S. agricultural products and agricultural technical assistance.
FAS administers the program through cooperative agreements that authorize successful applicants the opportunity to work closely with FAS and its overseas offices to conduct these activities. Preference is given to nonprofit U.S. agricultural and trade groups that represent an entire industry or are nationwide in membership and scope. Priority is given to proposals that target markets with the greatest growth potential.

Export Assistance
Technical, financial, trade leads, and other assistance from USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.

Stewardship & natural resource
USDA/NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants
Annual program. THIS PROGRAM CLOSED IN FEBRUARY 2008. Watch for the announcement again in early 2009.
The program is intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/cig/


2007 Farm Bill Conservation Programs
The 2007 Farm Bill changed many of the programs from the 2002 Farm Bill. The most comprehensive listing of natural resource conservation programs administered by USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service can be found at:

Organic certification cost share reimbursement application
This program is a cost-share of the certification fees for becoming organically certified.
The program is currently OUT OF FUNDING (2007/08). As additional federal funds are made available in the future, anticipated in 2009, we will update this page with information on applying for the funds. 

Watershed Resortation Grants for Landowners
These grants have various deadlines depending on project type. Many due in the lastest round OCTOBER 20, 2008.

EPA West Coast Collaborative
West Coast Collaborative - Grants & Resources for conservation, environmental compliance, research, and renewable energy:


Check back periodically to this site as they post new EPA and other sources of grants.  

USDA & EPA - Pest Management and Pest Management Alternatives
Annual grant process, usually in the spring.
More information is available at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/grants/grants.htm
Region 10 EPA Grant Page: http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/HOMEPAGE.NSF/webpage/Grants


US Fish and Wildlife Service: Grants and Other Assistance
Some grants for individuals; some for organizations. All intended to protect, enhance, and promote wildlife.

Western Region Sustainable Ag Research and Education Project Grants
This grant request is now OPEN. Deadlines vary by grant type. Farmer/Rancher grant applications are due in December. Check the link for updates.
With a Farmer/Rancher Grant, one or more agricultural producers develop a proposal to conduct research and/or on-farm demonstrations and educational outreach in an area of sustainable agriculture with assistance from an agricultural or natural resource professional, who serves as a technical advisor. The goal is to achieve results that can be communicated to producers and professionals--information that can improve income, the environment, communities and quality of life for all citizens.
With a Professional and Producer Grant, an ag or natural resource professional, working with one or more producers, develops a proposal to conduct research, on-farm demonstration and/or educational outreach in an area of sustainable agriculture. The goal is to achieve results that can be communicated to producers and professionals--information that can improve income, the environment, communities and quality of life for all citizens. Equally important is an opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge and expertise in sustainable agriculture.

Environmental/Natural Resources Education Grant
Supports environmental education projects that enhance the public´s awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed decisions that affect environmental quality.


Strategic Agricultural Initiative Program Grants
This grant is CLOSED at the present, however, it may open again in the future if additional funding is available. The program supports innovative efforts that enable growers to reduce their reliance on pesticides targeted for removal under FQPA while maintaining or enhancing their present income. American Farmland Trust´s Center for Agriculture in the Environment administers this program through a cooperative agreement with EPA. This grant opportunity is open to non-profit organizations, including commodity groups/associations and farmers groups, extension and university programs, state and federal government agencies, and tribes.

Research grants
USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grant Program
These grants have various deadlines depending on project type. This is the primary funding initiative for agricultural research. Check for dates and proposal types.


USDA Office of Technology Transfer
Agricultural technology patented by USDA, looking for partnerships to commercialize new products.


Specialty Crop Research Grant
Application deadline was August 18, 2008. Watch for another funding opportunity in 2009. 

BioMass and Renewable Energy Research
Both USDA and the US Dept. of Energy will be investing in biomass research and development in the coming years. Resources vary by announcement.


The Kellog Foundation: Food Systems and Rural Development Overview
Largely limited to research organizations.

Small Business Innovation & Research Grants and Technology Transfer Program
Eligibility: under 500 employees, for-profit organization, 51% owned by individuals, based in U.S.
This grant is for entities interested in doing work outlined by federal agencies -- if it fits your business strategy and focus, investigate it further. Phase I grants are to test an idea; Phase II grants are additional funding to carry the idea to commercialization. Involves 40-200 hours in grant preparation and 2-5 years through the entire funding process for Phase I and II. No matching requirements.

Research areas are extensive, and include: Forests and Related Resources; Plant Production and Protection; Animal Production and Protection; Air, Water, and Soils; Food Science and Nutrition; Rural and Community Development; Aquaculture; Industrial Applications; Marketing and Trade; Wildlife; Animal Waste Management; Small and Mid-Size Farms.
Other resources:


General grant resources
A Guide to Funding Resources -- Rural Information Center Publication Series

Additional federal resources

On-line Grant Search

The Oregon Community Foundation

Online Grant Network Explorer

Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum

Sources of Ag Credit in Oregon

Oregon Economic and Community Development Department
Tax credits, loans, and financial incentives from the State of Oregon 
Oregon Business Financial Assistance Programs

Business management info.
A Review of Strategic Thinking for Today's Agriculture Industry

Typical business plan segments

Managing a new business (link to OSU site)

Marketing Alternatives for Specialty Crops (link to OSU site)

Analyzing the whole farm business (link to OSU site)

Options on small farms (link to OSU site)
Small Farms Program at Oregon State University

Multiple Resources for Small Business Management
Microenterprise Institute of Oregon

Starting a Business in Oregon

Mega-library on Business Management
Incredible library of free material on business management, marketing, staffing, sales, and much more!


SBA Financial Assistance and Resources
Multiple resources on how to start, finance, manage, and market a business; links to a variety of financial loans and programs to suit capital and credit needs of small businesses; workshop, and other resources. Tools for managing your money, including estimating costs, financial statements, grants, funding, equity capital, contract surety bonds, and more.

Be a vendor to the U.S. government
Services and products they are seeking.

Commodity Food Network (CFN)
Provides a single-point-of-contact to all on-line federal resources and services related to the purchase and distribution of USDA commodities.

USDA purchase programs
How small food businesses can take advantage of USDA purchase programs.

Renewable Energy Grants
Link to Agriculture and Energy Website
Oregon farms both consume energy and create many potential feed stocks to generate energy and fuels. The concept of renewable fuels made from biomass and farm or forest-based feedstocks is not necessarily new, but technologies are improving and new opportunities are developing.
State and federal programs can assist growers with on-farm projects, as well as with larger efforts that may involve creation of processing facilities for alternative fuels or other specialty products. The 2002 and 2007 Farm Bills provide many new opportunities for Oregon agriculture and renewable energy interests.
This document contains a brief overview of the Energy Title of the 2002 and 2007 Farm Bills, as well as various programs available through the State of Oregon Energy Office and various non-profit organizations and energy providers.

For more information
Information on grants and financial resources available to Oregon farmers and agricultural businesses is posted to this page as it becomes available. Most of these grants are not ODA resources, but if you have quesions that we can try to answer, contact Brent Searle, 503-986-4558.

Page updated: November 18, 2008

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