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#TCOT If you are at the bottom of the list -- say with less than 100 followers -- tell us now -- Does #TCOT help you add followers ?
#TCOT @MichaelRWarren very smart man ! Want to know #TCOT secret goal ?
#TCOT @jamesdickey has gone from 4,500 followers on Nov 30 to 6,000 today. How long until 9,000 ? Before New Year ? What says #TCOT ?
#TCOT When last checked, #1 on Twitter BHO with 140,000 followers. #100 had 9,000. How long till we get @jamesdickey into Twitter Top 100 ??
#TCOT @mzampino correctly calls me out on this one - " How about the 86 #TCOT members who have over 1,000 followers !" WOW ! Watch out Libs!
#TCOT Can you say exponential synergy ? The more on the list, the more followers all have, the faster the rate of follower growth ! Recruit!
#TCOT Pssst ... Have you noticed this... There are now 17 conservatives on the #TCOT list who have crossed the 2,000 follower barrier !
#TCOT Congratulations to the #1 Top Conservative on Twitter, @jamesdickey , who just now crossed the 6,000 follower barrier !
RT @ClayWestbrook. Up against Twitter algorithm, Following= (Followers +278 when Followers =2800) (correction from 2000)
@ClayWestbrook. Up against Twitter algorithm, Following= (Followers +278 when Followers =2000)
@ClayWestbrook Clever lawyer finds loophole in plan ! LOL
@madpoet Studying for Project Management Professional exam ? Standard in industry, but bureaucratic stuff. Agile much better.
@madpoet Thanks. What's cooking in ur world these days ?
RT Sign up for @RSC 's conservative analysis of all House considered legislation, and visit - sign up today! #TCOT
@madpoet Thanks for the catch. Do you think unfollow I recommend bad Twitter manners ? curious ur thoughts
@Radioblogger Not harsh really. hardly anyone will notice if you unfollow them, and if follow strategy, will follow them again in few days
@LynnMaudlin @Radioblogger Twitter rule- No more following>2k until followers=1800, then Following=(Followers+200) Make sense ?
@direstraits94 good one. Battery on portable phone died this am, hence, stuck next to wall.... #TCOT
@Radioblogger When you have 1800 followers, Twitter formula allows you to follow (Your followers +200) U have 1900 followers, u follow 2100
@Radioblogger See your 2k problem. Do this: Unfollow 700 you follow who don't follow you. Then build back to 2k. Repeat process


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