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Heading out for the Tweetup with @statesman and friends. Look forward to seeing my Austin tweeps!
@StephenForce Happy Birthday! Gonna go flying to celebrate?
I'm not sure whether the world really needs this or not, but the Shorty Awards aim to honor the best Twitter users:
Once again obsessed with taking a flying vacation in Australia. Island-hopping around the Great Barrier Reef in a Cessna 172, anyone?
Just the usual Texas weather: Sunny and 80 degrees at noon; sleet and 32 in the morning. Fashion is so *difficult* this time of year.
@matthammer Weather Underground at is pretty good for weather history. Even has aviation stuff like METARs.
Cool: The Pulitzer has been extended to online-only publications:
Currently researching Rhino Ramps, because my brother wants some. Couldn't he want a Twitter account, or something else I understand?
Any recommendations for a handheld GPS for my Dad? Don't need aviation, marine, or sports features - just an easy to use street unit.
OK guys, hold on. I don't see how the Twittergroups thing is giving us anything we didn't already have by using hashtags. What am I missing?
I'm practicing the piano. Heck no I can't play ... but I randomly decided to master "Happy Birthday" for my Dad by Friday. Wish me luck.
Heading out to see the Arc Angels at Antone's. Classic Austin blues, here we come!
Two of my tweeps have loved ones in surgery today and it's awesome to watch the support they're getting from the Twitter community. Rock ON!
@manp It's the Canon ImageClass MF4150 - a nice unit, BTW. Thanks so much for your help!
@StephenForce Hope it's helpful! Would be happy to chat or e-mail if you need more info.
@manp Interesting! The US site (it's a Canon) says flat-out Mac's not supported. Might it be different internationally?
Belatedly discovering the all-in-one printer I bought it my pre-Mac days doesn't support scanning on Mac OS. Options? (Yes, I have Windows.)
@StephenForce A lot of my club's stuff is online: Also check out AOPA's resources:
Just got nominated to the board of a local flying association; they say it won't involve a lot of actual work. They always say that.
@jetwhine My (not) ninja search skillz were: going to Fox News, searching on "aviation," and clicking the video tab. <shrug>


Chris Brogan Colleen Wainwright Jack Hodgson Hugh MacLeod jessamyn west Darth Vader Stork Tom Johnson Steve Rubel Eric Gideon Chris Johnson hotdogsladies Scott Karp Mike Chapman Jim Howard Scott Northcutt Gina Trapani Omar Gallaga Dan Sleezer Sockamillion Maria Langer Jetrecord Tim O'Reilly Adam Lisagor Matthew J Doc Searls Leo Laporte Dooce Steve Foster Gordon Vaughan Anne Gentle Brian Kimball Debbie C. Clay Shirky
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