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Easing into the night, thanks to Hall &Oates. I'd forgotten that they weren't all that bad before they went POP.
@valeriekhoo kan't beleeve they speltt your companies name rong - duzn't make sens. Loosers.
@JulzM Just popped a couple of those meself!
Might give 6 o'clock news a miss tonight - pretty easy to guess what the top story will be
@mrchgrl and now you have...feels good, doesn't it :)
Lovin' this Melbourne rain...send 'er down Huey!
Apple Genius is reading my damn mind...spooky!
@mspecht I especially like the leader's name - Raptor Jesus - if that's not the best name for a rock band in the whole world, I'll go he :)
#velociroflcoptersaurus is a myth.
A Corona in the hand is worth two...ah, never mind - PRWarrior is a happy man :)
1 minute to go
Little Suzi by Tesla AWESOME - an oldie but a goodie!
9 mins to beer o'clock
MILT (mom i'd like to tweet) Facebook group
@joshglid Got a Coopers in fridge actually but it's a 'light' left over from BBQ - bleeech! @luckystartups on your advice, Corona it is!
Closing in on Friday beer o'clock - what should it be tonight Tweeps? Corona or a Crownie?


Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Justine Stowe Boyd Jim Long Lachlan Hardy Nic Hodges Kitta Michael Newby Craig Childs Brian Solis  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Michael Specht that grum guy! Major Nelson (Larry) ben barren Stephen Collins Starbucks Coffee Sean Howard Vanessa Stacy Adam Schilling Peter Wells Jeremiah Virginia Murdoch Simon Wright Cal Wilson Angus Brad Kellett dez Ben Shepherd Kristie Wells Todd Defren Mark Jones Matt andrew
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