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@jspepper it was very worthwhile. Lots of fun and team spirit. Also, she got us all very personal gifts, mine was a paint by numbers kit.
@maegancarberry you too! sorry I was late joining the show. BTR wouldn't let me in again!
@lafauce not competitive, cooperative. @Leslie2823 is our team VP and she hosted a cookie baking holiday party for us yesterday afternoon
@BenVear It cannot yet support exchange. I'm sure that someone will code a killer app to support exchange though.
Exhausted. @dunkers was up howling last night. Guess he misses @arjun_s
Looking forward to @Leslie2823's team baking party. :-)
@dbrowell @baratunde - it did! those were the days. Sharing in the nostalgia. :-)
Once again ridiculously behind on every possible form of communication - e-mail, SMS, Facebook and Twitter
@jefftrout says that coming by someone's cube to talk to them is an old-fashioned Tweet. I think it's just more personable. :-)
LOL! Rather than tweeting at us, @jefftrout just came my cube to reply to my & @joenandez's complaints about IT blocking access to FB etc.
Having miscommunications on Twitter due to post-lunch brain drain causing me to misread messages. Brain, don't fail me now!!!
@joenandez it's pretty freakin' retarded. They blocked me too, and I have "Social Networking" in my *effing* TITLE for crying out loud!
One of my favorite lines when doing business, "we'll have our geeks talk to your geeks." :-)
Embarrassed to admit, but I have Britney Spears' "If You Seek Amy" stuck in my head. The baseline is super catchy.
@huffpost happened to me last week. Google has gremlins in the series of tubes.
Why is it that my computer absolutely crawls in the morning, the very time when I need it to be zippy...?
Hanging out with @walker6o9, @arjun_s and @dunkers on a lazy Saturday. :-)
"It would work out very well if chocolate pudding were involved." - Taz
Retweeting @conniereece: "Happiness Is Contagious in Social Networks" (new research: note diagram)
@jowyang do you think the economy is playing a role in that? Companies and individuals alike are cutting way back on travel.


Biz Stone danah boyd Mary Hodder Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Scott Beale Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Glenda randy stewart Justine Chris Brogan Elisa Camahort Doug Haslam Jim Long Beth Brian Solis ian kennedy Robert Scoble irina slutsky Michael Markman photomatt Nancy White Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Marina Martin James Governor
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