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C*Span fielding calls- who are these citizens calling in? It soounds like the lunatic fringe...
@Ikepigott you mean the public is fickle, misinformed, and easily mislead? impossible *cough*
No Child Left Behind = No Child Gets Ahead.
College- the largest growth in jobs will be in technical fields (2 year degrees or vocational cert.). College has become another "buzz word"
@ikepigott Constitution? Does the government utilize that archaic document anymore? They sure fooled me Ike. :/
@mwdisector Yeah- McSame. "surge", "maverick", "my friends". "My Friends" is particulary irritating. :/
Wish we could apply Twitter 140 character limit to John McCain during his speeches. Perhaps he would stop repeating the same buzzwords...
weird. i caught McCainites running a piece of chain mail, on a forum, and at two other places- plugging the same anti-obama story. idiots
@TimelessP hey how about we cancel Web 3.1 and let's move into Grid 3.5 :)
Time that is what is circulating-frame injection attack...also they were supposedly notified in April :/ link 2 proof of concept in post
Gmail frame injection proof of concept code
Gmail vulnerable to a frame injection attack that could be used to phish login credentials from Google users.
@andrewwee the original report was 1000 pages. That version is 250 pages long plus redactions. I am going to wait for the inevitable movie.. This 10 second video explains how elections are won in the USA
@Andrewwee That PDF is a 250 page reduction. The original was 1000 pages which is way over Palin's 25 page "report". lol "special report" Ethics investigation finds Palin abused power. Sounds like W. Bush..
@trust I had no respect for him before. His latest behavior is completey disgusting. Sadly it will probably work. This is the USA afterall.
John McCain is absolutely vile. I hope America comes through..v
100's of TV channels and not one program worth watching. sheesh.
Asking Sarah Palin, Bill Ayers, Bush,the GOP, Michigan, Cindy McCain, and the Maverick


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Chris Sacca wil wheaton Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan James Higgs Robert Scoble Phil Wolff Sam Harrelson gsiemens Ian Betteridge ǝɹooɯ ǝʞıɯ CenterNetworks Rachel Clarke Jeremiah BrianLittleton Jeremy Zawodny Damon C Thomas Hawk Sean Ness             whurley Dori fest mob Ike Pigott Paul Colligan Chris Abraham
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