Since 1986, UNOS has collected, maintained and analyzed data submitted by transplant professional members of UNOS. No other institution in the country has the breadth of knowledge that UNOS has in working with OPTN/UNOS data.

Data and services range from standard data that are immediately available to complex research studies such as risk-adjusted, multivariate analyses, and outcome studies. Newly available are patient-level analysis data files for researchers with programming skills.

Every month, the Research staff respond to more than 250 requests for transplantation data and analysis, which range in complexity from the number of transplants by state to complex risk-adjusted survival analyses. These requests come from the public, transplant community and the government, including requests from:

  • General Accounting Office
  • Office of the Inspector General
  • National Institutes of Health
  • HHS
  • HRSA

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Did you know?
The UNOS Research staff provides custom data and analysis services. To make a request, complete the online request form.
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