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signing out and signing off.
if a recipe includes 'strip the wood pulp from the body' of the thing you're gonna eat ya kinda hafta wonder why you would eat it...
@amandagravel and i just tweeted the same damn thing. can you tell we're on separate rooms?
@amandagravel and i overheard two girls talking about twitter at the starbucks in brookline ma. freaky. neither adked for my autograph. :-(
@geoffliving i am unconsciously tipping over.
wasn't mentally prepared for today's snow flurries. can we please have springtime now?
same ol' story. same ol' song and dance. - @amandagravel you're obviously awake. get UP.
@david_n_wilson no, but i should check to see if the eggs took any lewd photos of the milk when i wasn't looking.
just found my camera in the fridge - ummm, what's wrong with me?
listening to 'hello dolly' on hold, waiting for @jaffejuice and @krivman to join me for our conference call.
orange rocked da house.
@adgenius i'll let you know - but from what i can tell it involves wearing an orange shirt and reciting a poem about orange things.
i'm going to my daughter's kindergarten 'color spectacular' this morning - she is playing the color orange.
@ckieff good luck at the dentist.
ok. i. must. stop. right. now. goodnight twitterinos.
and @armano thank you for introducing me to my new favorite site:
@armano you know me better than anyone else.
why am i tweeting at 10:15 when i feel like crap and should be sleeping?


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