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@DDeeps Although it was a small glimpse, it was good to see it through the eyes of someone who was there. Still have Mumbai on my mind.
RT @DDeeps: New on Deeplydeeps- Mumbai citizens rally : http://deeplydeeps.blogspot... (Enjoyed this post, Deepa.)
RT @shaine: New blog post: Social Media Club RGV Leadership Team Search (Plz fwd to anyone you know in RGV Texas)
@KimDushinski Ack! You're having the same problem @vargasl was having earlier: tweets sent via SMScoming in garbled. Bad Twitter!
@amoyal PND is not my favorite club to belong to, but I'm a member too, unfortunately.
@EllenGerstein Whoa! You're giving up "elleinthecity"? That is a big change. Maybe easier to type, though.
@ragenchastain Actually, I've been thinking about trying acupuncture for my back pain. Wish insurance covered it!
@biznic Oh, you KNOW @daveiam would livestream my funeral, and I would expect y'all to tweet so much you get the fail whale! LOL
@faivecalgirl Well, I certainly appreciate that sentiment! Not really ready to kick the proverbial bucket, but there are some days ...
If post-nasal drip can be fatal, then y'all might as well start planning my funeral.
@crredwards You could have a chronically low serum cheese level. (medical explanation for Cheetos craving)
@trishussey *big wave from Texas* Hello, class! Welcome to Twitter. #bcit_newmedia.
@vargasl That's weird. Does it happen when you text message anyone else? Or any other short code? If not, then it's Twitter problem.
@vargasl I could tell something was messed up; didn't know what. Are you using SMS to 40404? Or Twitter mobile?
@vargasl Either send interpretation or quit sitting on the send button of your Blackberry. LOL Seriously, what's going on w/ garbled tweets?
@IPLAW101 Thanks for letting me know. I remembered following an IP atty when that urgent tweet from @katiechatfield came in. Love Twitter!
@janica Sorry, I did have wrong link. Austin-San Antonio Social Media Club holiday event:
@Dayngr Sorry you have a headache, but couldn't help LOL at your prescription: #motrin and a #pepsi
@whatsnext Is @tobydiva still doing her BTR show? Maybe we should suggest that as a topic & offer to be her panel.
@jaybaer @whatsnext This would be a good topic for a talk show/podcast. I'm in the "teach them to fish" school of thought in most cases.


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