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R.I.P, Bettie Page. You are a hero, a classic, and you will be missed!
At Smith, about to grub down on some poutine up in this hizzy
@randomesq do it!! and tape it, too.
Crazy mf'ing sale at Jcrew, ladies!
@hyperism are you going to name him something like Bjorn or Lingonberry or Glogg? A trip to IKEA is cheaper than a baby name book!
@lynchseattle I read that as "is it Steve's?" haha... I'm like, wow, niiiice
i have a bug bite ON MY LIP. i have Angelina Jolie lips... but just on the one side. heh.
@fireminx you can borrow mine - if you're coming on Saturday night, i'll give it to you :)
@hyperism whaaa? :) :) congratulations!
@Fireminx I hope you're talking about the book! Movie sucked in comparison.
With C and Wil, making our way to Pacific Place to see Bolt.
@blynch23 I saw the Loft sale too! If we weren't late I'd have dragged him in there
@blynch23 where? We just left Southcenter... Glad we didn't get shot
Exhausted from the gym! My iPod was rockin' the Beastie Boys; I blame @davidhoang. :)
@blynch23 that's the best kind. my mouth is salivating just thinking about Beard Papa!
@blynch23 was it not amazing??? mmm. what kind did you have?
@davidhoang Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!11!1!11!oneone
Woman being interviewed on King5 for a spot on Green gifts has a booger in her nose. Nice!
@davidhoang is it time to get ill?


Gregarious Stacy Jeremy Todd Fake Henry Rollins Barack Obama Peggy Sturman sally simpleton Lukeman Andre Siregar Svea Star Chris Lynch Robin Sherwood Bev Lynch Monica Guzman lily LadyNoir Howard Wu Chad M CEO -Tony del1rium jseattle imchale katyakoshka seadevi Random Esquire fairlycool Crystal Lee asatari c.koo katecha beanseattle Ryan GH Hyperism blingborg lizzy313 Lux219