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  For Immediate Release  
  Contact: Phil Bloomer  
  Phone: (217) 403-4690  
May 13, 2008

Washington, D.C. -  U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson issued the following statement today upon passage of the 2008 Farm Bill, officially known as the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008. The legislation passed 318-106 Wednesday afternoon.

   Rep. Johnson, the only member of the Illinois Congressional Delegation to serve on the House Agriculture Committee, voted for the legislation. It moves to the Senate Thursday.

               “I represent some 15,000 farm operators in my congressional district,  as
               well as scores and scores of small and mid-size towns whose economies
               depend on the success of the agriculture community. As I talked to these
               individuals - the corn farmers, soybean farmers, the implement dealers and
               the waitresses – I am reminded they are the heart and soul of our
               agricultural heritage and their vitality is central to the nation’s prosperity.

               “The legislation we passed today allows that vitality to flourish. The
               legislation is far from perfect in many ways. But on balance, it preserves a
               safety net for these individuals. It preserves their ability to produce,
               compete and contribute to our nutritional independence as well as our
               energy independence.

               “This Farm Bill was the result of months and months of dialogue and
               negotiation and survived in its present form despite huge pressures to
               undercut critical safety nets. It preserves the non-recourse marketing loan
               program and continues the price-based counter-cyclical program that
               provides assistance when prices decline.  It also provides the option to
               enroll in a state-based revenue counter-cyclical program. And it makes
               important strides in ensuring that payments go only to those who deserve
               them under reformed income guidelines.

               “I am also pleased with increased spending authorized under the
               Conservation Title.  In addition, the Conservation Reserve Program is
               extended and includes a new provision to allow retired landowners to
               modify their contracts if transferring land to a beginning farmer.

               “There are also important programs being extended for rural development,
               which is so critical in my district.

               “Additionally, the bill addresses rising food prices by investing $10 billion in
               nutrition programs. The nutrition title of the Farm Bill receives 73 percent of
               all the dollars in the bill, including money to address shortages at food
               banks as well as to enable schools to provide healthy food. Nutrition and
               food stamp programs will benefit from some long- overdue reforms to
               combat abuse and improve the quality and quantity of food available.

               “It is an extremely encompassing piece of legislation that touches many
               aspects of the lives of the people I represent. For example, it helps
               strengthen rural America by expanding 9-1-1 access in rural areas through
               telephone loans and improving access to broad-band telecommunications

               “The bill also includes language from the Agricultural Bond Improvement Act,
               a bill that Rep. Johnson cosponsored, designed to assist beginning farmers
               with financing.

               “This bill passed with a veto-proof majority. I hope the President will listen
               to the will of Congress and sign this critically important bill into law. America
               needs a strong Farm Bill and I stand ready to override a potential veto so
               that a new farm policy can take effect without further delay. My hope is that
               we will see the fruits of this bill, and the fruits of the labor of my 
               constituents, continue for many years.”  


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